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Darko33 t1_j6nfded wrote

People are either gonna call me nuts or make several pithy references to The Wire, but honestly, Baltimore. A REALLY nice harborfront hotel room can be had for barely $100 a night and there is wonderful shopping and dining. I highly recommend La Tavola in Little Italy (try the bechamel lasagna, it's life-changing) and Max's Taphouse in Fells Point (100+ draft beers).


Southern-Molasses-47 t1_j6nlpaq wrote

Actually never thought about Baltimore. Where would you recommend for the shopping? Anything else you would suggest in that area?


Darko33 t1_j6nogl7 wrote

Don't even know where to begin. The entire Inner Harbor is jam-packed with cool stuff to do. The Aquarium is easily the most impressive I've ever been to. There are a bunch of old naval vessels docked there that you can tour. Harborplace Mall is right next to an ice rink. A few other personal favorite dining spots include Azumi sushi, the Thames Street Oyster Bar, and the James Joyce Irish Pub.


Doowrag t1_j6nquqv wrote

The museum of industry along with the American visionary art museum are incredible!


Darko33 t1_j6o8d88 wrote

Oh nice, been to Baltimore a million times and never stopped at either. Thanks!


Doowrag t1_j6oscwt wrote

You’re welcome. Wife and I went down there over Presidents’ Day weekend last year, we hit up museums and shoved crab cakes in our face the whole time.


kiikii51 t1_j6ou4gw wrote

Crab dip. Don’t know where from all I know is - crab dip

Miss Shirley’s has good food for breakfast/lunch in the inner harbor you gotta make a reservation though


herslave2 t1_j6oynqh wrote

The Inner Harbor it has almost everything.


jejunebug t1_j6p7jbf wrote

I am biased, because I live here, but I also suggest Baltimore. When I lived in NJ I would visit frequently and since moving here I only love it more. There is so, so much more than the Inner Harbor. In fact, I wouldn’t suggest more than an afternoon at the Harbor. The aquarium is fantastic and the ships are cool to see but we also have incredible museums, Fort McHenry, Poe’s grave, the original Washington Monument, The Peabody Library, the first Roman Catholic Church in America (it’s just pretty, I’m not religious but they do still hold service if you are), beautiful parks, many historical buildings and amazing architecture, and really amazing food. I would be happy to give any suggestions.


Darko33 t1_j6pa66b wrote

I agree Baltimore is way more than the Inner Harbor, and I'm also verrrrry conscious of how natives are rightfully sensitive about visitors who refuse to wander outside of that area. I more did my writeup for travelers who might be checking the city out for the first time.


OkNegotiation6028 t1_j6ovdsi wrote

My car got broken into and my clothes were stolen from the Baltimore zoo parking lot. I would check in anywhere first, get rid of everything in your car and the go park.


bakerfaceman t1_j6pdku4 wrote

Yeah Baltimore is actually an awesome spot for a weekend trip. There's so much great food there. Definitely check out the neighborhood markets. They're such a neat local thing.


KMillionaire t1_j6oykwh wrote

I visited Baltimore recently and it was pretty boring/ ghetto, for what it’s worth 🤷🏼‍♂️


STFUNeckbeard t1_j6pgtdf wrote

Yeah I was dragged there twice recently, neither time by choice, and even in the nicest areas, it was pretty trashy. Honestly I even prefer Philly to Baltimore by a mile shudder