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Bodymindisoneword OP t1_j5vizc2 wrote

How long have you had the panels? I assume you bought the power walls?


Ghost_of_P34 t1_j5vj828 wrote

Hmm. Since 2016 or so. We bought the Powerwalls the year after.


MaxYoung t1_j5vq2za wrote

How many powerwalls and is it enough? If forced to choose, would you skimp on batteries, or panels?


Ghost_of_P34 t1_j5vwy3e wrote

Well, being I don't currently have enough panels, I'd stick with my current setup vs having less PW and more panels.

I have 4 PW. It's enough for my house size. I've been the only house with power in the neighborhood a few times. I never even notice when the power goes out. The switch to PW is seamless.