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deltat3 t1_j5vsm98 wrote

Super weird title to this post. It's as if there did not exist a person called Vince Lombardi for whom the park & ride (and super bowl trophy) is named after.


ardent_wolf t1_j5vto8s wrote

You’ll be amazed to learn who that park and ride was named after!


katefromnyc OP t1_j5vun0c wrote

The legend says that his parents were stuck in turnpike traffic during a snowstorm and saw this service area where it saved them from a disaster.

Apparently, they named their kid after this rest stop who went on to do some great stuffs.


deltat3 t1_j5vvg3h wrote

Way back then it was just a parking lot with a porta-potty, but young Vince dreamed of a place that paired restrooms with hamburgers and a gas station.

I also heard that young man went on to coach football or some shit like that.


HaleEnd t1_j5w4gtw wrote

Absolutely wild that Vince Lombardi was named after a service area


BentonD_Struckcheon t1_j5w7s3i wrote

I went to Fordham (he once famously said that without the football it was merely medieval studies) and live in NJ, so I guess I'm twice blessed or something?


Dirtydiscodeeds t1_j5w7vm8 wrote

His mom, Catherine Lombardi has a restaurant in New Brunswick.


dan_t_mann t1_j5wc4qe wrote

When the players run from inside the stadium to the field through that tunnel, they call that The Turnpike.


QueenFrenchy822 t1_j5wcw8c wrote

Whoever said that VINCE LOMBARDI was named after a rest stop is absolutely insane!!!! That rest stop was named after VINCE LOMBARDI long after his passing. He is a NEW JERSEYAN. Plain and Simple…


EyesOpenedWide31 t1_j5wg9dy wrote

Wasn’t the trophy made in NJ as well? Little ferry? I’m probably wrong lol


jarrettbrown t1_j5whdy7 wrote

He’s buried in Middletown near the Whole Foods (which reminds me im due for a visit). You can find is grave with no issue.


Temporary-Ad-9270 t1_j5wo294 wrote

Hate to brake it to you buddy. The park and ride was named after Vince Lombardi. Other way around. Not too long ago the park and ride was named after someone else.


oodja t1_j5wpyzj wrote

Fun Fact: I proposed to my wife at that rest stop.


storm2k t1_j5xc36j wrote

it's wild to me that lombardi was a goddamn chemistry teacher in addition to being a high school football coach. that's actually his tie back to new jersey. he was born and raised in brooklyn and went to school at fordham. he needed a job so he became a teacher at a catholic school in englewood for a few years and also rose up the ranks of being a football coach.


JimmybJohn t1_j5y8zrg wrote

Getting off the turnpike to the actual Vince Lombardi service area is a trip in itself


Extension_Health2522 t1_j5ydk9c wrote

Trophy was named after Vince long before the turnpike rest stop was...


mulder406 t1_j5ypax6 wrote

How come njtp rest stops bathrooms are so nasty


acoreilly87 t1_j5ysd88 wrote

Nah, he was born in 1913, so there was no NJ Turnpike or Garden State Parkway yet. Route 1 and Route 9 were not called by those names until 1926, although there were roads there already. He was born a long time ago πŸ˜€


TheCNJYankeecub t1_j5zm8ko wrote

No the service plaza is named after Vince Lombardi you moron


briinde t1_j61jezy wrote

Little known fact: Vince Lombardi was named after the rest center and not the other way around.