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weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_j5q0r5n wrote

That's really cool. Should be in the Smithsonian.


TriggerTough OP t1_j5q1o4k wrote


It's currently in my closet now though. Doubt I'd ever give it up.


celcel t1_j5qfxe2 wrote

Plenty of art collectors loan their art to galleries and museums. Could do the same.


TriggerTough OP t1_j5r0ko7 wrote

Good to know. Thanks!


ClaymoreMine t1_j5tfcv9 wrote

To expand on this. You can work with the museum to create the loan terms.


TriggerTough OP t1_j5tikg6 wrote

I'm not in it for the money, just the memories.


ClaymoreMine t1_j5u2ghl wrote

So the loan terms are not monetary. It’s how it’s displayed, cared for, yours and your families access to it, the duration of how long you want it on loan to the museum and so on.


NJRoadfan t1_j5vuen4 wrote

Ask InfoAge down in Wall NJ about exhibiting. Its a local NJ venue with tons of early computing and telecommunications exhibits.


the_last_carfighter t1_j5qnpqt wrote

This, but they do it mainly for the tax write offs.


cookedsushi t1_j5s8p8c wrote

... go on..


the_last_carfighter t1_j5sbpkx wrote

You can claim your seaside mansion is a "farm" and get subsidies and write-offs just by having a few animals on it. Alpacas for instance are ideal for that grift.. i mean totally legitimate operation.


HydratedMemes t1_j5q6o5m wrote

At least get it in a box or something so your dog can’t eat it.


ThePopeJones t1_j5slimm wrote

Tell the Smithsonian you'll loan it to em, but they have to let you have your picture taken riding the dinosaur of your choice.


[deleted] t1_j5qey57 wrote



Draano t1_j5qhwgg wrote

Not OP, but my guess is it's similar to the company that "started in a garage". Built/assembled in the basement, and shipped by the person in the company who happened to have the job of running to the post office, UPS or FedEx. Probably picking up lunch from McDonalds on their way back to the basement/office.