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outcome--independent t1_j682rur wrote

>"People were coming to our door to meet Bruno and we got almost all the cats in the store adopted in the meantime," she said. "We only have two black cats left in our adoption room. So that was a good response as well."

What is up with people and black cats?


BS_220 t1_j682tve wrote

What a beauty! I hope his new home is his forever home


Bodidiva t1_j68gsz5 wrote


I have an adopted feral who is 16 years old now and we've had her since she was 1. She is not a lap cat. She sits near you, lays near you, might lean on you or use your leg as a pillow but never sits on your lap. We love her, but man, I hope my next cat sits on me ALL THE TIME.


randygiles t1_j68hqe1 wrote

Man this is so sad. That poor cat, I'm glad he found a new home. People need to seriously think for more than 5 seconds about whether they are willing to take on the responsibility of having a pet. Taking him back because he was too affectionate within a WEEK instead of trying to train him is so callous.


lily_rhye t1_j68huko wrote

I have a cat who drools on me when I pet her. I’m not a fan of that but I love her anyway.


Award-Kooky t1_j68iwqf wrote

Oh no come here Bruno. Want to give some chin scratches to him asap


PurpleSailor t1_j68ow4t wrote

I own a lot of darker colored clothing and the hair from my black cats isn't all that noticable on it. When I had a white Siamese cat I was going through a lot of those sticky tape lint rollers every year. Now with my voids I haven't bought one in at least a decade.


beeps-n-boops t1_j68pgul wrote

"too affectionate"

SMFH people are just fucking assholes.


jerseyshorenancy t1_j68vl97 wrote

We have four cats. (Don't judge.😸) One of our cats died in October. She was lovely to people but terrible to other cats. When I adopted a new cat, I wanted to make sure that they had a personality that would best match with the others. We spent a total of five hours over two weeks at the shelter, and came home with a lovely void who is personality plus. Other than jumping on top of me from the headboard at 2 AM, he is amazing. I named him Snape.


asian_identifier t1_j68y4gf wrote

that's a pretty stupid excuse in the first place... just keep it in another room when you dont want to be bothered? some discipline?


potatochipsfox t1_j695kd1 wrote

> Taking him back because he was too affectionate within a WEEK instead of trying to train him is so callous.

True, but also I'm fine with it. If that's how they're gonna be, they shouldn't have a pet.


Zhuul t1_j695n1q wrote

Also like he was probably scared. My girl spent the first night at my apartment making biscuits next to me with her tail in full bottle-brush mode. Changing environments is tough on an animal.


Demonkey44 t1_j69a3ku wrote

Bruno thought he found his forever home with the second family.

The mom in the second home should have just practiced a closed door policy during working hours in her office and at bedtime in her daughters room. That’s what I do. Cats are brilliant about understanding boundaries (and pushing on them).

Her daughter will need therapy after feeling like it was her “fault” the cat was given to a shelter.

I wonder if there was also one of these strict dads or stepdads in the background.

My husband’s father used to give all of his family’s pets away if there were small infractions in tidiness or if someone forgot (once) to take the animal for a walk. It was a control mechanism.

The whole family ended up being very passive aggressive towards the Dad - lots of therapy required by my husband on that end…

People suck.


Transmascva t1_j69bgpy wrote

This was the animal shelter in my town. We got every one of our pets there. They truly do care for the animals


MOM_1_MORE_MINUTE t1_j69c8eb wrote

Yea, cuddle cats are awesome. Except at 3am when my void HAS TO HAVE CUDDLES OR WILL 100% DIE. But other than an aggressivly cuddly unwanted alarm clock, cuddle cats are great! Love the purrs while she is laying on my chest.


AlanMercer t1_j69fcoz wrote

Our black cat is irrationally afraid of everyone but me, which probably has something to do with the enormous scars on her hindquarters. Something got her good.

Anyway, she loves cuddling, yelling at birds, and bringing me stuffed mice -- regular cat stuff.


Lyraxiana t1_j69iiht wrote

Too affectionate???

I'd like to have several words with these people.


WaltzThinking t1_j69lxxw wrote

I had a cat one that was too affectionate. I also worked from home at the time and she never stopped trying to cuddle with me, sleep on my arms, climb on me. I eventually figured out how to let her sleep comfortably on my lap while I worked on my laptop and even installed a program that would detect if she walked across the keyboard and stop the computer from sending erroneous messages of cat footprints. The toughest part was that she wanted to sleep on my face at night and lick my head and eyebrows so I had to close the door with her outside the bedroom and listen to her meow at night. But man, I miss her and I would never have given her up.


StrategicBlenderBall t1_j69rt23 wrote

My Cocker Spaniel, although not a cat, is black. When we met the rescue they said they had a bunch of people that wouldn’t take him because he’s black. That’s their loss though, because he is such an amazing dog! If only he’d stop bullying our new puppy that’s twice his size lol.


LadyBug_0570 t1_j69s7si wrote

I find it inconvenient when mine wants to lay on lap while I'm working (I WFH). Then I have to draft documents or answer emails while tying over his head. Finally I have to move him and tell him I need to work and if he wants to get fed, he needs to move so mama can earn money.


LadyBug_0570 t1_j69tlu0 wrote


When I first got mine, he hid under my bed. Including the whole next day when I had to go into the office and leave him alone (I felt horrible about that and wanted to cry and leave the office early, but they wouldn't let me). I finally got him out once I came home with some more food.

The next day (Saturday) he hid under every thing he could hide under. But as a single woman with no kids or prior pets... not everything had been cleaned for a while prior to that. So I'd go, move the object hid under, swept and mopped it.

Did he go back to that freshly clean place? No. He went under something else that I realized hadn't been cleaned in 100 years. So I'd go, sweep/vaccuum and mop. He'd find somewhere else.

About halfway through thoroughly giving my place a good cleaning, it occurred to me the lil asshole was not only doing this on purpose... I think this was his way of critisizing my housekeeping skills. Because once everything was all clean... he sat next to me.

Well played, you lil asshole. Well played.


Longtime-Yanks-Fan99 t1_j6adipq wrote

It was a black cat that converted me from a dog person to a cat person. He had to leave 4 years later, now I am a crazy cat lady with 4 cats, one black.


plethorasaurus t1_j6b0mb6 wrote

That person doesn't deserve to own any pets. Similarly, the cat I have now was returned to the rescue for being, "too playful".


spxdergirl t1_j6bdsuo wrote

Black cats are the least adopted of cats- AND the most highly euthanized of cats. People are crazy and kill black cats they see around the neighborhood too. Mostly crazy religious people who believe they represent hell/Satan. Also, the witch stereotype & the superstitious people who believe they are bad luck.

I have a little black boy named Figaro who refuses to stay inside and cries and screams at the back door unless we let him out. He usually comes home and stays home at night since we don’t like him outside at night because he could get hit by a car. It’s our little agreement with him. Crazy people make me nervous on the rare occasion he doesn’t come home, because I get worried someone hurt him.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j6ck7py wrote

That family doesn't deserve to adopt another animal


PutDangerous4255 t1_j6ec6pw wrote

This is such a sad turned heart warming story. Been looking to adopt a cat and saw this, it’s true they had a ton of animals on Petfinder it’s down to 2 and a kitten! What kind of monsters didn’t want a cat that’s too loving? All in all turned out to be a blessing for all the animals in that shelter!