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TyeDyeAmish t1_j6lo23z wrote

Why would you wait? That makes no sense.


electrowiz64 OP t1_j6mtg32 wrote

I thought it’s an issue switching back & forth so frequently but I guess fuck it, I’ll start looking


TyeDyeAmish t1_j6nqt9b wrote

Not at all. They want your money. They don’t care how much you switch to their company. I just switched last week. My car ins went from $152 a month to $87 a month. Now I bundled homeowners ins with my auto ins when I switched to State Farm but if I didn’t bundle it still woulda been only $104 a month. That’s for 2 people yet & we don’t have bare bones ins either, also have a $500 deductible so not too bad. The only real disadvantage to constant switching is it’s a slight pain to get stuff switched over.