outcome--independent t1_j5linna wrote
bros402 t1_j5lq2v8 wrote
Guessing you need it for school or something? I had to pass an auditory exam to get into my education program.
If you need a good quick auditory screening - Dr. John Starke in Hazlet. No nonsense old dude (he's like 80), you're in and out in 20 minutes. Then you can get a physical at one of the doctors on Beers Street, then a vision check at one of the doctors there.
brp t1_j5mcsp9 wrote
I used to have to get this done annually for a previous job. Google places that do a Fitness for Duty exam.
BlackWidow1414 t1_j5mcw81 wrote
You needed an audiological exam to get into college? Why?
bros402 t1_j5mionj wrote
For some reason the program required me to pass a hearing exam to take elementary ed classes - it was ridiculous.
BlackWidow1414 t1_j5mky8h wrote
That's weird. I've never heard of that before (no pun intended) and I've worked in education for nearly 30 years.
bros402 t1_j5mmch4 wrote
Yeah, it was pretty ridiculous. Kean required it back in 2011.
Jimmytowne t1_j5mt0sy wrote
A summit health building probably has all three but doubtful that they are all there on the same day
kurt667 t1_j5oyf8f wrote
yeah they want to make sure you can actually hear the students.... wow,...
Senior-Sharpie t1_j5lhqf9 wrote
Probably a walk-in clinic like City MD or Multi Care? Call one and ask if they offer the services you require and then schedule them to waste the least amount of time between exams.