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tony_boxacannoli t1_j5vrspa wrote

I feel like I've passed that place lake-hopping while fishing.


JimmyKastner OP t1_j5vrzig wrote

Full disclosure because I'm testing it out as a way to assist my work. I used DALL-E in a small part of this photo to remove a couple cars. I used Photoshop to remove a couple powerlines (I generally hate powerlines) while I painted in the AI changes.


OkBid1535 t1_j5w56nn wrote

Send it down south! Toms River is flooding again and it’s awful…this winter is a joke


jamesmango t1_j5wnrv6 wrote

Awesome picture. Very pretty.

Didn’t look at the weather app before I decided to shovel my and my neighbors’ driveways. Now it’s 44 and raining and the snow would have all been washed away anyway womp womp


Brilliant_Tourist400 t1_j5zdxxr wrote

Reminds me of when I went to college in Hackettstown. We’d be buried in snow and I’d call my mother in Monmouth County and be told, “What snow? We have pouring rain here!”


lurkenstine t1_j60in0u wrote

I'd never stay at that motel, looks like a horror movie waiting to happen