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jsingh21 t1_j61z9ql wrote

Took the train back in the day to college. Got tired of real fast. You just started using trains. Watch when you get those annoying delays shit sucks. Like when you want to go home you get out early and during midday even was a long wait depending on the time like half hour. But not that long. Then imagine if there is a delay, you got out early now stuck waiting. Also, you get constant delays at times. For one day the train is 15 minutes late. One day 30 minutes late. Your dependent on someone's schedule all the time. Your a prisoner can't leave when you want and just go home. The worst is nighttime if you had a late class. There was like one train and had to wait like 49 minutes for it. After that, there was one like an hour later. Many times you caught waiting a half hour. Then shit if you want to eat and are hungry but you want to get home on time ughhh.

Shit forgot to mention the shuttle to the train, which has delays too. Your first dependent on that schedule then the train. At night the shuttle doesn't come to every 5 minutes. Takes fucking forever.