theredxpanda t1_j5xc85d wrote
Would they be able to excuse me through email? I don’t have any supporting documents or evidence. I mean I have my travel booked and stuff but other than that..
TodayTimeDeux t1_j5xcwn5 wrote
I missed my date and emailed when I realized — they gave me next steps for a new date via email within 1 day of emailing. Worth trying.
theredxpanda t1_j5xd1rk wrote
I’m scared I’d get arrested or fined for forgetting the date LOL out of curiosity, were they okay with it? I always find the person on the other side of the phone is usually..mean lol
TodayTimeDeux t1_j5xdbc8 wrote
I had gotten the month wrong and didn’t realize until filling out the questionnaire. I emailed them asking what to do and they gave next steps without any issue. I think as long as you aren’t avoiding or ditching they are accommodating.
theredxpanda t1_j5xdg32 wrote
Thanks!! I would do it but I genuinely haven’t been able everytime they mail me the questionnaire/summons. It’s like they know when it is inconvenient for me
stickman07738 t1_j5ye5tk wrote
Call them and say for you a schedule business trip and given them the dates you will be available on your return. Do not give them an option and they will normally agree. I travel internationally and this is how I handled it.
WhatIsTickyTacky t1_j5yfisv wrote
You have no evidence of pre-arranged business travel?
TodayTimeDeux t1_j5xc36r wrote
Email them. They respond pretty quickly.