puzzlebuzz t1_j4wlumc wrote
Reply to comment by tehbored in If Governor Murphy is serious about equity in this state, he should push for improving public libraries. by Flashinglights0101
Everything is more complicated now that it's computerized. It used to be collecting books. Now it's maintaining diverse resources. And that's just a collections standpoint. There's so much more that libraries do and if you understood, you'd understand why there's a need for a Master's degree.
tehbored t1_j4wmrcj wrote
There is no way that it is more complex than, say, electrical engineering, which you can do with a bachelor's.
puzzlebuzz t1_j4xgkwu wrote
Well everything is harder than engineering. That’s not fair. You can dislike it but librarians are educators.
tehbored t1_j4xlxi3 wrote
All educators should only require a bachelor's degree tbh, except for maybe special needs educators.
puzzlebuzz t1_j4ztf8d wrote
What qualifications do you have to set these standards? Do you work for the board of education? I still don’t understand what you have against librarians. Overeducated or not, they are overworked and underpaid!
tehbored t1_j50240h wrote
I have nothing against librarians, that's why I think it should be easier to become one. What I have a problem with is rent-seeking and protectionism.
puzzlebuzz t1_j50f3qd wrote
I think the issue is most people don’t decide to become librarians until after college or even grad school. Adding a masters degree is easier.
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