Recent comments in /f/newjersey

solidblu t1_jef76fk wrote

I see people saying New Brunswick over East Brunswick, but it also depends how n the crowed you are looking for. East Brunswick is more professional and older crowd mixed in, New Brunswick you will get a professional and younger crowd mixed in.

Fresco (Steak and Seafood) and Rice Factory (Thai) are good restaurants at the edge of East Brunswick.

In New Brunswick you will want to be around George St for example he non-college crowd, Easton Ave is more college crowd focused.

In East Brunswick it will be all paid for things like a bar or a park that closes at sundown. In New Brunswick you can walk around campus like Voorhees mall and Old Queens (next to each other and close to both Easton ave and George st. There is Stress Factory (comedy club) but that needs tickets in advance and has a two item per person requirement. There is also an escape room too.

Hope this helps, good luck on your date, if you give more info on what you are looking for in activities afterwards people will speak up more.


Linenoise77 t1_jef73dr wrote

I've got to think essex, passaic, and bergen are driven by a handful of big places in that town.

I'm in bergen and if i put my house up for sale it probably wouldn't last a week until an open house before it was sold.

If anything, based on the 3 houses being gutted and expanded on my street at this very moment, people are putting down more permanent roots. Seems everyone who had a starter house has said "fuck it, lets make this our forever home".

Which sucks, because that was my plan, and they gobbled up all the tradespeople.


Anxiety-Rulez t1_jef6qga wrote

If u guys wanna venture to the shore side. For i think $50 you can get a permit for the gazebo in Belmar right by the beach. The “reception” can be hosted at any restaurant nearby. Same goes for the gazebo in spring lake park (if you want something less beachy and more woodsy). Also check out deep cut gardens in Middletown


infl1ct1on t1_jef6hs0 wrote

The appeal is that tons of people can walk to it, and they basically have a musician or event every single night of the week. You can also bring in your own food (Except pizza since they serve that now), and HP has some pretty good restaurants to choose from.


imchasingentropy OP t1_jef5ssg wrote

Fair but irrelevant. With the cost of NJ no one even hires at minimum wage anymore. No place can compete with the labor market at 15 an hour and even those are struggling to hire.

Combined with the fact that minimum wage today is further from a living wage than minimum wage 20 years ago was and minimum wage at 14 is a joke and more lip service.


Unusual-Okra9251 t1_jef5f2u wrote

I did UWS (82nd St.) to New Brunswick on the train and that was a good 1.5 hours door to door. I can't imagine driving it. If you're doing it twice a week and don't want to leave NYC, you're probably best off taking the train to Trenton and taking an Uber to Ewing, but it's a haul.