Recent comments in /f/newjersey

Unusual-Okra9251 t1_jefa8t0 wrote

So you went once when they were closed, and now they're permanently closed? Fucking idiot. Like I said, if you're going to say something with so much certainty, you could save yourself from looking like an idiot by taking literally 10 seconds to look. Something tells me you're more used to looking like an idiot though.


FordMan100 t1_jef97cm wrote

Download the NJ Transit app from the appropriate app store. It has a feature of a trip planner where you can search from point A address to point B address and will tell you all you need to know, including cost. I use it all the time, and it's more reliable than the transit is at times. Sometimes, you have to set the distance to walk higher than the standard setting of a half a mile for it to give you the way to get there.


cC2Panda t1_jef923d wrote

I want to see the age demographic. A family member of mine moved but it's because they retired and moved to be closer to family that lives out of state. Of course a ton of old people are taking their retirement to a cheaper state and specifically to ones that are warm and have little to no tax on retirements.


11goodair t1_jef8opo wrote

Fisherman/Campozinho/Ria Mar in South River. Good Portuguese food, nice atmosphere.

If you want a smaller meal, Rai Rai is pretty good for ramen, China Poblana has good Mexican food, Jersey Shore BBQ is good for BBQ. Those 3 aren't really for dates, unless you really enjoy that type of food.


rjr017 t1_jef88w4 wrote

East Brunswick itself has restaurants and stuff but not really any nice walkable date areas, things are spread out…if you wanted to do like movies or bowling there they have those things. But New Brunswick has an actual downtown with lots of good bars and restaurants, outdoor seating areas, they also have a comedy club, some places may have live music…George st area is good for dates I think. Highland Park would be pretty good too, but they have less places to choose from than NB.


Linenoise77 t1_jef7nzg wrote

> You think Essex, Passaic and Bergen county cant lose 11k people/families from moving and not simply have that replenished AND EXCEEDED by their birth rate?

I think you have a couple of dense, impoverished towns in essex and passaic, where you may have seen some migration due to increased wages. In Bergen you really only have hackensack & englewood. Englewood i could see, hackensack is on an upswing. Maybe decreased migration to Ft.Lee\palisades park or first generation moving on from there? hard to say.

Bergen maybe you have older folks moving out, but pretty much anything in any of the bergen towns is quickly gobbled up. My house has still gone up in value post-pandemic and interest rate hikes when i look at recent comps.