Recent comments in /f/newjersey
Comfortable_Monk7372 t1_jeffxt9 wrote
Reply to What’s your go to hot dog spot? by trees_bees_knees
grimrandall t1_jeffofn wrote
Reply to Should I move to Newark? by MajesticBread9147
QXT's is an great alternative nightclub on Mulberry Street in Newark.
Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_jeffl5d wrote
Reply to Going on a date tomorrow near East Brunswick area and I am not very familiar with the area. What are some great restaurants/activities to do there? by abdul_bino
Orchard Park if you like super fanct
sallystarr51 t1_jeffclu wrote
Reply to What’s your go to hot dog spot? by trees_bees_knees
Rutts Hut!
artichokedeathwish t1_jeff3x2 wrote
Reply to These NJ counties saw the largest population drop as residents migrate to other areas by madrid987
Idc I literally haven’t witnessed this or have heard of this happening in any meaningful way. I believe data, but after the 2020 census I have learned that these trends are far from accurate
imchasingentropy OP t1_jefey9o wrote
Reply to comment by WildMajesticUnicorn in NJs wealth inequality continues to get worse. Why should we be surprised when our governor is a banker? by imchasingentropy
I'm currently looking for work and out of the hundreds of places I've been to/applied to, none pay less than 15. Wawa, Walmart, McDonald's, every major employer. Maybe you can find the one small business trying to pay less, but it's not an indicator of the market as a whole.
And minimum wage does nothing to stop wealth inequality. Until companies do not have an incentive to pass along prices to consumers or exploit the labor market, the only thing minimum wage does is increase inflation.
justdan76 t1_jefeuue wrote
Reply to What’s your go to hot dog spot? by trees_bees_knees
Galloping Hill Inn in Union. Known to old-timers as Peterson’s.
I’m biased because it was a childhood treat, but they did really have good hot dogs. Haven’t been there in awhile tho.
hcb2003 t1_jefeov6 wrote
Reply to What’s your go to hot dog spot? by trees_bees_knees
When I'm in the area, Rutts or Hot Grill depending on which style I want.
When I'm in Monmouth county, G&G (a.k.a. Gus) near train tracks in Red Bank.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_jefelea wrote
Reply to comment by KrustyDaJuggalo in BEWARE two black individuals posing as PSE&G employees knocking on doors ( Clifton NJ) by [deleted]
What about asking for emergency assistance, or letting you know you left the car lights on, or that a bush is on fire or other non-solicitng reasons?
TheFortyDeuce t1_jefejaq wrote
Reply to comment by CitizenTed in These NJ counties saw the largest population drop as residents migrate to other areas by madrid987
And this is what I’m doing. I make $84k and it’s rough. I’m looking at South Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Fortunately I work remotely full time. I would go further but all my family is still here.
abdul_bino OP t1_jefeawp wrote
Reply to comment by islamcardoors in Going on a date tomorrow near East Brunswick area and I am not very familiar with the area. What are some great restaurants/activities to do there? by abdul_bino
We actually both really like this place we wanted to go. Is it usually busy on weekends?
justdan76 t1_jefdvxn wrote
Reply to comment by ChestnutMoss in What’s your go to hot dog spot? by trees_bees_knees
This is the correct answer, I can’t believe nobody else is saying it
grfede1 t1_jefduwy wrote
Reply to Landscaping? by netsfan549
I like these people. Oakshade Nursery & Garden Center
Maleficent_Proof5946 t1_jefdo75 wrote
Reply to comment by lost_in_life_34 in Does anyone have a microclover lawn? by thrwawy5599
Not sure if it's true, but I was told that whatever the grass height is the roots would be the same.
BeamerTakesManhattan t1_jefdlb8 wrote
Reply to comment by p4177y in These NJ counties saw the largest population drop as residents migrate to other areas by madrid987
In many cases, yes. A family of four moves somewhere less dense and cheaper, and a couple from NYC buys their house. Net 2 loss.
Also, a lot of kids moving out of the area after living with their parents, or people who had been living in apartments giving up on finding homes and moving elsewhere.
jerseyborn733 t1_jefdijn wrote
Reply to Going on a date tomorrow near East Brunswick area and I am not very familiar with the area. What are some great restaurants/activities to do there? by abdul_bino
Nothing East Brunswick sucks lol
WildMajesticUnicorn t1_jefde78 wrote
Reply to comment by imchasingentropy in NJs wealth inequality continues to get worse. Why should we be surprised when our governor is a banker? by imchasingentropy
It’s just not true that no one hires at minimum wage. While minimum wage is not a living wage, increasing wages several dollars per hour for the lowest income earners is a policy aimed at decreasing the wealth gap.
BriarKnave t1_jefdcmh wrote
Reply to comment by PracticableSolution in These NJ counties saw the largest population drop as residents migrate to other areas by madrid987
Being bought out by all consuming rental companies and investment funds.
LingeringSentiments t1_jefcyuu wrote
I loved Caldor before it became a Target in Edgewater.
MrRacso75 t1_jefcx5l wrote
Reply to What’s your go to hot dog spot? by trees_bees_knees
Costa's Snack Bar at the Perth Amboy train station.
achenx75 t1_jefcd5p wrote
Reply to Commute to Ewing, NJ from NYC by jyeatbvg
Best I can think of is train from Penn to Trenton station and then Uber to Ewing. Doing that back and forth would probably cost like 3-4 hours and $70 a day and that's not even including how the time and money from your house to Penn station.
Glittering-Rock t1_jefc8ec wrote
Reply to Going on a date tomorrow near East Brunswick area and I am not very familiar with the area. What are some great restaurants/activities to do there? by abdul_bino
Love that you’re planning for your date! Hope it goes well 😊
Unusual-Okra9251 t1_jefc660 wrote
Reply to comment by ThrowinSm0ke in Going on a date tomorrow near East Brunswick area and I am not very familiar with the area. What are some great restaurants/activities to do there? by abdul_bino
I used to live in EB, but I'm a bit further south now. ;)
Ranoro8289 t1_jefbmio wrote
Reply to comment by commentsaplenty in What’s your go to hot dog spot? by trees_bees_knees
Hell yeah! Really wish they'd bring back the chopped onions and spicy mustard. That and the foil wrapping. It feels wrong to just eat a Costco dog out of a brown paper bag.
silentsnip94 t1_jefg0iv wrote
Reply to Going on a date tomorrow near East Brunswick area and I am not very familiar with the area. What are some great restaurants/activities to do there? by abdul_bino
Dunno what vibe you're going for, but a nice walk in Johnson Park or Donaldson Park in Highland Park pre-dinner and then drive over to Destination Dogs in New Brunswick. I always like a good icebreaker in a first/second date by a little 'messy' eating (just don't eat like a slob!). There's always Ramen Nagomi if you like a good ramen. In New Brunswick, you'll have a nice selection of post-dinner drinks if it should strike you.