Recent comments in /f/newjersey

thebruns t1_jefo86j wrote

> proven so inaccurate by the 2020 Census.

Actually, it turns out the 2020 Census was not very accurate.

Which shouldnt be a surprise. Census Day was April 1, 2020, at the height of pandemic panic. On top of that, the Trump admin underfunded outreach.

>the 2020 census overcounted household populations in eight states while undercounting household populations in six others. The states with overcounts were Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island and Utah. Those with undercounts were Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas.

>By contrast, in the 2010 census, the Census Bureau estimated that no states had overcounts or undercounts.

Per the same article, the Census simply made up 10.85 million people because they assuemd they were doing a bad job reaching people due to the pandemic

Edit: lol imagine downvoting facts directly from the Census


CitizenTed t1_jefnazj wrote

"Employment" isn't the indicator. Affordability is. If you are employed but can't afford shelter, you move.

It's not that NJ is among the highest out-move states. It's actually #1 according to the US Census Bureau.

This is tied directly to housing affordability, as described here by the Rutgers State Policy lab.

On the west coast, the problem is reaching crisis levels. In my small city, there are very few people under 30 who don't rent rooms and crowd into apartments. At this point, living on your own is considered a luxury only the upper-middle class and wealthy can afford. I make twice the median wage in my city and I can afford my own place only because I've been in my apartment so long the rent is affordable. I could theoretically qualify for another 1bd apartment (typically in the $2000 range) but it would be a strain on my finances and make my life more precarious. I'd probably move, but not back to NJ.


Tullamore1108 t1_jefl13g wrote

Could see what options Grounds for Sculpture might have for a tiny wedding. Thinking about the shore, Cape May has tons of options. Saw a lovely beach wedding (we were sitting nearby) of about 2 dozen guests hosted by the Peter Shields Inn last summer. And Washington Crossing Park on the Delaware comes to mind, either Jersey or PA side.