Recent comments in /f/newjersey

Fryceratops t1_jeg2su7 wrote

If you apply permethrin while you have the pants on it will stick to you AND your clothes. If you scrub enough it will come off but it takes work. That is why you apply to clothes you arent wearing it outside in a well ventilated area


GrizzlybearNo1 t1_jefw67d wrote

We attended a small Wedding on Cape May’s beach at sunset. It was one of most romantic ceremonies I’ve attended.

FYI, There are no restrictions for ceremonies on the beaches and bay at Sunset Beach or the Ferry Area. Insurance for the day is not required. Beach receptions and alcohol are not permitted. Ocean City requires that couples apply for a Beach Wedding Permit by calling Cathy Caraballo at (609) 525- 9296.


Hrekires t1_jefw65w wrote

The one Caldor I remember was somewhere in Bergen county. Maybe Wayne?

I just remember that it had an escalator because my brother and I would race each other running up the "down" escalator while my mom shopped... the fact that we could do so without bothering any other shoppers was probably a red flag.


sleepydog202 t1_jefw115 wrote

A lot of this depends on the specifics.

Do you need to be in-office for a full 8+ hours or can you work from the train on WiFi/hotspot and just be in office for like… 6 hours? (That could be the difference between a 6:30am train vs a 8:30am train, and getting home at 6:30pm vs 8:30pm)

Will the dates/times be fairly set and reliable, or will you have to switch it up? (If you buy Amtrak tickets to Trenton you can shave off 30+ min each way. But you would want to buy them far in advance)

Ewing is a little too far from the train station though, so it would make it very complicated. Probably not worth it.