Recent comments in /f/newjersey

bmd201 t1_jeg9mlw wrote

i met the rock at mill creek mall in 1999. he must have been in nj for a wwf event at the time at the arena. the line started at the caldor entrance and went all the way down to the other exit by foodtown. he stood on a stage in front of caldor and said finally the rock as come back to secaucus. women fainted, he kissed some babies and signed my copy of wwf attitude for playstation. good day.


eskihomer t1_jeg92eg wrote

Same! Although my last visit was pre-pandemic so 🤷🏽. They may have also changed owners but I don’t know that for certain, although it has changed hands several times over the years and never dipped in quality.

My parents are still in the area and say it is still great but they are far from reliable in the space of food recs


Aggravating_Rise_179 t1_jeg8syi wrote

hell, I was on the 73 bus back to Newark this morning and the amount of construction along that line is crazy. East Orange is going through a boom right now, and so is Newark. Essex County is single handedly doing its best to absorb much of the housing demand that NY is not willing to build.


penguintransformer t1_jeg68eq wrote

I love Newark (btw it is a CITY, put some respect on its name.) If you've never been to a large city, I'm not sure Newark is for you. There's nicer areas like the Ironbound area, but those places will definitely cost you more than $1000. Newark is not the safest place, and it seems you may not have the streets smarts.