Recent comments in /f/newjersey

whatshouldIdonow8907 t1_jegtvxr wrote

This legit happened to me. I was walking by a brownstone in nyc and saw there was a legit blaze going on in the garden apartment. I ran to the door and started pounding. No one answers so I go up to the vestibule door and I’m yelling the downstairs is on fire and pounding on the door.Some guy on the first floor looked out his apartment door at me in the vestibule then closed his door. This was before cell phones so I kept pounding and ringing buzzers but no one was interested so I walked away and went where I was going. On my way back I saw the fire trucks, people on the sidewalk, the whole mess. I spot the guy who made a point of ignoring me and when he noticed me I yelled out “too bad you ignored me when I was trying to tell you the building was on fire”.


If-You-Cant-Hang t1_jegpr0r wrote

I lost any faith due to the chucklefuck that kept ringing my doorbell like the week after. My GF at the time and I just moved into an apartment and guy said his whole basic “I’m from the census pitch” and I said we just moved in and we were already counted at our parents houses individually before we moved in.

Then he started asking more questions and I said dude leave me the fuck alone I just told you we were counted already. Then he rang the doorbell again after I hung up and kept talking saying he needs the information or he’ll have to come back again if I won’t give it.

At that point I said I’ll call complex security or come beat your ass, your choice, if you don’t get the fuck out of here and leave us alone because you’re being fucking weird at this point. Dude left. Luckily because 99% of my job at work is CYA I had wrote the guys name down out of habit. Found a number to call and told them exactly what happened and how I had to threaten the dude to leave. I said how I didn’t know if he meant to cause any harm at that point with how pushy he was after my initial answer or if he was even legit. Turns out he was a legit worker too, and they said they’d address it.

Fuck that. Whole interaction was weird and I lost any remaining faith I had in anything run by the state. I had to get to the point of threatening someone when I initially gave a polite answer to his question.


ntvblls t1_jegnxzj wrote

My wife and I got married with a very small and non-religious ceremony at the Frog and the Peach in New Brunswick and it was really nice (and great food, of course). Not super cheap, but we felt it was worth it, especially given how much medium to large weddings cost. It was in their bright greenhouse-ish room, which might fit the bill even if it isn't exactly gardeny. Worth a look at least.


sutisuc t1_jegnig9 wrote

Yeah it’s truly baffling but this guy is just making idiotic arguments based on his own feelings so I don’t put much weight in it anyway. And agreed I love NJ but there’s no sense in papering over our issues and pretending they’re not a thing. How else are we gonna improve them otherwise?


Emperor_PVP t1_jegmqjx wrote

It was another energy program or company, i just got confused because they asked for my pseg bill and thought they were from pseg. But they did ask to check the bathroom they didn't really explain themselves a whole lot, later my aunt came and she was figuring who they were and why they were there, they left shortly after that, they also seemed a bit annoyed
