Submitted by Eastern_Camel_466 t3_111jrrn
Submitted by Bluegreenmountain t3_11d462b
Submitted by cowgirl_meg t3_11atdej
Submitted by Sprinkles-Foreign t3_11dikdh
Submitted by Lil_Integra t3_11ek3s7
Submitted by 37Elite t3_115h4j5
Greetings from Michigan! I had the pleasure of stumbling upon Taylor pork roll at a farm store owned by a lady from New Jersey. I was not disappointed!
Submitted by fuwomanchu t3_11ch5u1
Submitted by [deleted] t3_121lhl2
Submitted by thewetsockdevil t3_12201wm
Submitted by takemynerjy t3_1251ljz
Submitted by New_Stats t3_11ut3b6
Submitted by Upset_Telephone5610 t3_1275q31
Submitted by Koala_P t3_12728zj
Submitted by merchantsmutual t3_126b2ek
Submitted by Careful_Quantity2656 t3_11wkqdm
Submitted by protogenxl t3_11xmvbg
Submitted by JohnTitorOfficial t3_120nbl2
Submitted by CookiesWafflesKisses t3_11r6s7t
Submitted by ccseater2 t3_1263kff
Submitted by username_nonexistent t3_11upocm
Submitted by ShaddyDaddy123 t3_11gccjv
Submitted by dowagiacmichigan t3_1215l65