Submitted by eliasronaldo t3_z5t7r8
Standing on what is now the Highlands-Sea Bright Bridge in the early 1900s compared to today (via Vintage New Jersey on Instagram)
Submitted by rollotomasi07071 t3_zxbxv6
Submitted by scaredbubbles t3_zyen8l
Submitted by Mr_Matt_K t3_z5kcs4
Submitted by Majestic-Unicorn33 t3_z6oumq
Submitted by maxxblood t3_yb4vnf
Submitted by adiabatic-mind t3_ygmxsk
Submitted by IAMmojo t3_11283n5
Submitted by museolini t3_zym5cg
Submitted by New_Stats t3_z15z4z
Submitted by prof_cunninglinguist t3_125wy84
Submitted by TwoGoalsOneCup t3_118ns6l
Submitted by MapleChimes t3_11eelz5
Perfect morning to paddle out and set pots for the last time this season. Nothing like some late Fall jumbo sized Blue Claw Crabs, a true Jersey classic!
Submitted by JoeKnucklesLoughlin t3_z6d3c9
Submitted by Fret_Shredder t3_10ft0x9
Submitted by rollotomasi07071 t3_125o2fa
After over 2 decades here, today is my last full day living in this beautiful state. In farewell, I leave you with the most useless street sign in the state. If you know of one that's more pointless, prove it!
Submitted by saytn t3_1047hjg
New Jersey American Water: Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester counties to reduce water usage due to chemical spill
Submitted by RadioNearby2926 t3_1232tu4
Submitted by pcloadletter92 t3_11c4yeu
Submitted by ImThatFurnitureGuy t3_znwoyf