Submitted by CoupleClothing t3_110fw0o in news
AlabamaHotcakes t1_j8a6zvi wrote
I'm Jacks total lack of surprise.
Cold-Reflectionz t1_j8a7lpl wrote
$44 billion to give neonazis a social media platform and now its even making that trash money.
I wish the worst possible life events upon musk and his enablers.
Bobguy77 t1_j8a7wux wrote
I mean this kinda shit started YouTube's "adpocalypse." Elons gotta be careful
InternetPeon t1_j8a7zsn wrote
if Elon would stop liking their tweets it would be helpful.
[deleted] t1_j8a8o2z wrote
mokeyss t1_j8a8tqf wrote
Oh hey, it's the exact thing adverisers were worried about happening!
TheValgus t1_j8a9vg1 wrote
Elon musk is a compulsive liar.
By_Design_ t1_j8aakc3 wrote
I wish ads were distributed blindly. I kind of don't care, I understand why people do but I feel like it's giving corporations a lot of undeserved control.
[deleted] t1_j8aanvi wrote
bigredradio t1_j8acf8b wrote
I hate Illinois nazis.
[deleted] t1_j8acolw wrote
macross1984 t1_j8acu9l wrote
Twitter under Musk has no moral.
[deleted] t1_j8aeiw2 wrote
PhysicalDrop t1_j8afgl2 wrote
Dont know why people are surprised ads are everywhere.
[deleted] t1_j8afvl4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8aj1s5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ap6oz wrote
[deleted] t1_j8apn7d wrote
Thr0waway3691215 t1_j8as8j1 wrote
I think you missed the entire point of the article. White supremacists that Musk reinstated that paid for the blue check are supposed to get a cut of ad revenue for ads under their posts. It has nothing to do with "The algorithm" putting ads next to posts because of a keyword mixup; the ads were placed by design.
grixorbatz t1_j8at9a2 wrote
Well, if you rearrange the letters in his name, it spells, "Lone Skum"
steavoh t1_j8av5nv wrote
I was talking in a general sense e.g. YouTube's adpocalypse.
If that's what Twitter is doing then I'm not surprised, they are a sinking ship anyways.
A social platform that makes a good faith effort to remove harmful content but inevitably gets a few through the cracks shouldn't be punished if an ad for an unrelated product shows up next to it.
[deleted] t1_j8aywdn wrote
BroForceOne t1_j8b0egg wrote
Is that not how Twitter works?
[deleted] t1_j8b3e7g wrote
JennJayBee t1_j8b6svj wrote
Sounds like it's screenshot time, and send those screenshots to the advertisers to show them what type of content their brand is being associated with.
KerchBridgeSmoker t1_j8b7ukh wrote
I mean, forgive me for this, but who cares? We all know how the internet works. This isn't the same as an advertiser denying the holocaust.
I get why it would be bad to financially support a platform that allows holocaust denial. I don't get why anybody cares about ads running next to controversial tweets.
PM_ME_KITTYNIPPLES t1_j8b8p63 wrote
I reported an account a few days ago with the most blatant racist shit. Got a reply today that it doesn't violate any of their policies.
PM_ME_KITTYNIPPLES t1_j8b8rvz wrote
To be fair, ads have been shown alongside bigoted and illegal content for a while.
Nubras t1_j8ba0uq wrote
You honestly don’t understand why, say, Budweiser doesn’t want their name next to someone denying the holocaust? It’s because even though that association doesn’t imply any sort of endorsement for the idea, the advertisers find it unsavory to be placed next to something so profoundly objectionable. I hope this clears it up for you.
[deleted] t1_j8bawv1 wrote
KerchBridgeSmoker t1_j8bb8b3 wrote
I get why they care, I just think it's silly. Everyone knows that wouldn't be an endorsement of holocaust denial.
I'm sure there are a lot of things they wouldn't want their ads next to, that are allowed. Weird porn. Graphic news stories.
I don't want to seem like I'm okay with holocaust denial. I think Twitter should just delete that sort of thing off the app. I, personally, wouldn't judge Budweiser for unfortunate placement of a tweet though. I know that the unsavory content is a result of a lack of action by Twitter, and has nothing to do with budweiser.
THSeaMonkey t1_j8bc7qs wrote
Because verified subscribers (in this case some hateful assholes) get a cut of ad revenue. Twitter is monetizing hatespeach and giving the perpetrators a cut, as opposed to previously restricting ad profiles on these kinds of accounts. But then again if everyone just stopped using Twitter this is all moot.
[deleted] t1_j8bcilx wrote
KerchBridgeSmoker t1_j8bcrdc wrote
I don't think it's easy for someone to connect the two. If you saw a Heineken ad next to furry porn, which is allowed on Twitter, would you say Heineken is the beer of horny furries? I seriously doubt it.
jeremyfunktrain t1_j8beao0 wrote
Why would you as an advertising agency advertise where your clients' ads might show up next to furry porn or Neo Nazi propaganda when you could buy ads cheaper elsewhere amd with people who can assure you that won't happen?
You wanna answer to share holders who might just so happen to also be Jews or just agree with the general consensus that being a Nazi is pretty bad?
Twitter is an advertisement company and if they're placing your ads next to someone calling for the death of all Jews they're a terrible one.
There's a reason why you only see certain companies advertise on 4chan and porn hub.
BloombergSmells t1_j8bfg0z wrote
So they run ads. And you see them in regular intervals. And they happen by whatever you are looking at. So if you are following Nazis you see ads with your Nazi shit? Ok.
BloombergSmells t1_j8bfllr wrote
Stop thinking logically. No time for that
SethikTollin7 t1_j8bglwr wrote
Only acceptable ads are those that point out you're a brain wearing a meat suit?
Catboy_Assassin t1_j8bi1nl wrote
It’s the violence that people are drawn to so then they see the adds
Nubras t1_j8bjaoz wrote
I happen to agree with you but you’re probably a more reasonable person than most.
[deleted] t1_j8bksgn wrote
[deleted] t1_j8blkwd wrote
StupidLeafsFan t1_j8booz9 wrote
Musk is currently sitting with Rupert Murdoch at the Superbowl. Birds of a feather, such and such
deviltrombone t1_j8bot0i wrote
And Elon Musk is sitting next to Rupert Murdoch at the Super Bowl:
"The world is headed for trouble. The world is headed for grief." - Leo Szilard
Good-Expression-4433 t1_j8brfh2 wrote
Which is why Twitter pre Musk was beginning to more aggressively ban ToS breakers who posted that stuff. It's just bad for advertisers.
Musk not only isn't banning them but actively let them back on.
[deleted] t1_j8bzygi wrote
[deleted] t1_j8c0a3r wrote
WildYams t1_j8c7vdx wrote
>Musk not only isn't banning them but actively let them back on.
And apparently he's also paying them some of the money made from the ads next to their tweets:
> Media Matters reviewed five Twitter accounts belonging to neo-Nazis, antisemites, and Holocaust deniers and found that ads for prominent companies were being slotted next to tweets from the accounts...
> All five of the accounts are subscribed to Twitter Blue, the subscription service that’s become one of Elon Musk’s main priorities since taking over the company. Earlier this month, Musk tweeted that Blue subscribers would get a cut of the revenue for ads placed beneath their tweets.
Screamingboneman t1_j8ca25r wrote
What the fuck is wrong with our society
[deleted] t1_j8ca2bf wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cam34 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8caupi wrote
Exseatsniffer t1_j8cbbea wrote
Billionaire adulation
count023 t1_j8cebrs wrote
Elon Musk's twitter in a nutshell.
[deleted] t1_j8cff8o wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cfth4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cfuis wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cfvw7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cfxgf wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cg02k wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cg1e9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cg2nh wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cg5yi wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cg6hc wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cg7dr wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cg8nw wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cg9f3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cgb34 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cgbx9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cge2f wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cgggm wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cjuj9 wrote
FlaccidGhostLoad t1_j8ckx1t wrote
Because Musk is a racist, fascist, right wing asshole.
There will be more of this.
That wasn't a mistake.
[deleted] t1_j8cl3l9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8coisa wrote
[deleted] t1_j8coma0 wrote
DeMalgamnated t1_j8cqb9t wrote
you know if they actually cared, they would be putting anti hate content in said ads.
DeMalgamnated t1_j8cqejn wrote
Elon Musk is a compulsive something...
[deleted] t1_j8cx1ou wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cx6uf wrote
Several_Flower_3232 t1_j8cxevs wrote
Pretty sure he has already been thoroughly reamed by an adpocolypse already, this is just the full transformation of twitter into a blatantly alt right website
randomnighmare t1_j8d7k42 wrote
Lol, this happens when Elon throws his hands up and says, "free speech, bro" but will ban anyone making fun of him.
tronaldmcdump t1_j8d84bu wrote
Kums' Lone
CountBeetlejuice t1_j8da144 wrote
have my upvote for your blues brothers reference!
apenature t1_j8dd61d wrote
Kohl's wants to diversify their target market.
betterplanwithchan t1_j8do3xi wrote
And tweeting under the ads to increase his own impressions.
billpalto t1_j8dr0fc wrote
In a way, this is good news. Twitter isn't even trying to pretend it isn't a cesspool of hate and right-wing disinformation now. They've come out in the open.
When does Twitter announce they are merging with Alex Jones? Seems like a good fit.
InternetPeon t1_j8dsmtr wrote
Me Sunk Lo
brokenelectricchair t1_j8f0hy2 wrote
When I saw that I just laughed. That's where he has always belonged. In the rich asshole box with another narcissistic psychopath.
[deleted] t1_j8fwt6d wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fy9va wrote
magellan315 t1_j8leitt wrote
Remember when Trump said the Proud Boys to "stand back and standby"? The Proud Boys and other groups like them thought that he was ordering them to stand by for action.
KerchBridgeSmoker t1_j8lep4b wrote
Okay whats the connection to what I said
TogepiMain t1_j8otmeb wrote
Funny, I thought he belonged in a one bedroom flat where the kitchen and bath are the same room, with a 300ft extension cord draped outside his kitchen window to the parking lot 3 floors below to charge his 2023 Tesla he stole on his way out the doors for the last time
Realistic_Truck t1_j8a6y2g wrote
Screw Holocaust deniers.