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drz1250 t1_j6sf4s0 wrote

In diversity training wouldn’t that saying be used as example of outdated lanquage and its consequences ?


102491593130 t1_j6swl77 wrote

At worst this warrants the coach taking diversity/sensitivity training, but it's not at all newsworthy & certainly not any kind of event to sack somebody's career over.

Next it'll be calling the cops on the football coach for telling his players to "get in there and murder those bastards."


mattyoclock t1_j6ugt1g wrote

Assuming this is the first incident anyways. If they have been talked to about it several times and continue pointedly using this phrase and other similar ones despite sensitivity training etc. it’s racist as hell and damned near harassment.


Appropriate-Dog6645 t1_j6tzybf wrote

Slap in face. We’re running ads in Canada. Hockey for all. Some American teams haven’t did enough pride events. Now, you got This. It might be time. We’re really having conflicting views. NHL and hockey Canada . Got get off there ass. There hurting hockey.
