jpc1215 t1_j9yxw9c wrote
I mean, it’s a $2 billion lottery ticket, the largest in history. I’d be half tempted to try and file a lawsuit saying it was mine, and I don’t even live in California lmao. Of course someone will come out of the woodwork saying it’s “rightfully theirs”. Congrats to the winner though…can’t imagine the feeling
ILikeTalkn2Myself OP t1_j9yy80z wrote
>Rivera filed a lawsuit against Castro, Reggie and the California Lottery on Feb. 22 in Los Angeles County Superior Court. asking the court to declare him as the rightful owner of the lottery ticket and the prize money. Rivera alleges that he tried to get the ticket back from Reggie after the winning number was announced on Nov. 8, 2022, but that Reggie refused to do so and tried to blackmail Rivera into splitting the winnings by threatening to destroy the ticket.
Depending how long ago it was when he purchased the ticket there might be a slim chance the shop has a recording of the purchase.
[deleted] t1_j9yy8u1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9yykjq wrote
hello_world_wide_web t1_j9yyp5q wrote's not as if they don't do a little verification to be sure. Any yahoo can make a false claim (as the courts have decided many times regarding one "DT"). A $2 billion claim probably gets a little extra scrutiny...
derfmai t1_j9yzc8f wrote
It explains it all in the article.
NewCanadianMTurker t1_j9z0gma wrote
"Jose Rivera, claims that he purchased the ticket from Joe’s Service Center on or around Nov. 7, 2022, and that it was stolen from him by a man he knows only as “Reggie.”
Rivera alleges that he tried to get the ticket back from Reggie after the winning number was announced on Nov. 8, 2022, but that Reggie refused to do so and tried to blackmail Rivera into splitting the winnings by threatening to destroy the ticket."
Eh, sounds like a pretty unlikely story.
[deleted] t1_j9z2r81 wrote
Aleyla t1_j9z5jht wrote
To bad its behind a paywall.
Boredandtiredbroke t1_j9z5ngq wrote
Total any utter fear knowing the country knows my name and possibly my face. Friends, family, neighbors start coming at you. Perhaps previous romantic partners come out and claim abuse and try to sue you. I dunno I'd be paranoid as fuck.
Alkdmani t1_j9z5opi wrote
Why do they release the name of the winners?
Now every schmuck would be coming after him with frivolous lawsuits.
[deleted] t1_j9z6dor wrote
karavasis t1_j9z6p85 wrote
But we don’t wanna read it we want you to provide the cliff notea
Rhomega2 t1_j9z6ypy wrote
You're required by law to reveal your name in California.
[deleted] t1_j9z75sh wrote
jpc1215 t1_j9z7f6k wrote
For real. It’s gotta be a blessing and a curse. I’ve read some pretty interesting stories from former lottery winners - it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for sure.
wetwater t1_j9z7qz7 wrote
Transparency. As much as it would be nice to win the lottery, all I can think of is all the assholes and deadbeat relatives suddenly rediscovering that I'm a really cool guy and I should hear their business proposals.
RealisticDelusions77 t1_j9z7vyl wrote
Wow, 2000 people could have won a million each instead.
Alkdmani t1_j9z91yz wrote
They didn't think this law through, did they...
Aleashed t1_j9z99kh wrote
Bro, your Billions are weak.
Our Billions are a Million Millions.
neo_sporin t1_j9za3si wrote
Honestly if I ever won something like that. I’d try to work with lawyers to hide it, or find a legal way to have someone claim and take like 1 million payment just to have their name attached to it
DeificClusterfuck t1_j9za7ue wrote
1000 X 1m = 1b
Sesame Street taught me that as a kid
neo_sporin t1_j9za80t wrote
Almost every state requires it for transparency. There are a few they allow for anonymous claims
Langola t1_j9zb06u wrote
Too many people try and basically commit fraud as soon as they win. Divorce, bankruptcy, whatever where they try and basically don't admit to winning the lottery as they settle up.
[deleted] t1_j9zb0fq wrote
SharpieBass t1_j9zbrgd wrote
I had an acquaintance win a few million in Canada. He was grilled for almost 2 hours before he was given the $$$. Confirming where he bought the ticket, checked the card he used to pay, did a background check to see if he was related to any lotto employees, etc. If you stole/found a ticket, they will figure it out pretty quickly. If the ticket wasn’t paid for in cash, you get nothing without providing the card used.
There are cameras everywhere now as well.
Nstark7474 t1_j9zc2ir wrote
I already deleted my most toxic SM and only keep in contact with people i actually like. The only thing stopping me from fucking off and becoming a rich hermit who lives in the woods is the fact that I’m poor as shit. 😏
chatte__lunatique t1_j9zcdi4 wrote
Milliard and billiard are stupid, archaic units that belong with inches, pounds, and all the other archaic English units.
[deleted] t1_j9zdbnx wrote
Aleashed t1_j9zdeia wrote
Bro, read before you typeón
You might not be able to read but I’m sure you can count the 12 zeros on that number
Literature-South t1_j9zdh8r wrote
My guess is that they have the time and place the winning ticket was sold, and they have him on camera purchasing the ticket at the time and place. No one's going to give 2 Billion to someone without some verification on their part.
My guess is that this is 100% legit.
[deleted] t1_j9zdzax wrote
wetwater t1_j9zedei wrote
A couple of decades ago I was sitting on a nice little pile of money. A cousin somehow heard about it, and suddenly for a couple of weeks I was his best friend, which lead up to him wondering aloud if I would be interested in investing his his little startup business.
Like, my dude, you are unemployable because you are either drunk, high, or both 24/7, and you either quit jobs or get fired because of it. What really makes you think I'm going to get any sort of return on my investment? Weed and beer does not count.
And that was the last I heard of him for about ten years.
IsItJustMeOrt t1_j9zeo1n wrote
That Reggie stole my winning ticket too
[deleted] t1_j9zep7q wrote
[deleted] t1_j9zg6i8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9zgq1f wrote
buttfunfor_everyone t1_j9zh5us wrote
Sounds like you really missed getting in on the ground floor of a pretty decent time 😂
buttfunfor_everyone t1_j9zhrnk wrote
The alternative is lack of transparency wherein suddenly all the people winning the lottery somehow all seem to be friends and family members of folks who work for the lottery.
Do some reading into the McDonalds Monopoly fiasco in the 90’s. The $24 million fraud was literally perpetuated by the very head of security in charge of safe-guarding/transporting the winning pieces.
Sure, naming lottery winners may suck for the winner.. they can either a) not collect the money or b) wipe their tears with millions of billions of dollars and move on.
QubitBob t1_j9zj8fk wrote
Some states allow the winners to remain anonymous. My state--Pennsylvania--does not, but winners of large Powerball jackpots have been able to claim prizes anonymously using what are called a trust. In these cases the lawyers representing the winner claim the prize for the trust. So it involves some red tape and legal fees, but I would go that route to keep my name from going public.
[deleted] t1_j9zk0f4 wrote
Harbinger-Acheron t1_j9zk5oq wrote
Might just be a Minnesota thing, but the one time I bought lottery tickets I was required to pay cash
QubitBob t1_j9zk99w wrote
This is correct: a billion = 1,000 million. The current Wikipedia article in English states this clearly. In current usage, one million million = trillion.
InflamedLiver t1_j9zltby wrote
“Rivera had no evidence of purchasing the ticket and ultimately no theft report was written up”
Just a common scammer trying to make a buck
[deleted] t1_j9zm4xu wrote
QubitBob t1_j9zm6mq wrote
I don't know if this holds for all states, but my state--Pennsylvania--allows lottery winners to claim the prize via trusts. In these cases lawyers representing the client claim the prize in the name of the trust, which is given a meaningless name like "Smithville Lottery Winners Trust".
[deleted] t1_j9zmpec wrote
[deleted] t1_j9zo160 wrote
squeevey t1_j9zoei2 wrote
There are about 17 states that allow anonymous claims when above a certain $ amount.
droplivefred t1_j9zon6w wrote
Some people are mindful of this and claim the prize through an LLC to protect their identity.
scrivensB t1_j9zosrl wrote
How do they even verify this stuff.
Since most places (I think) won’t sell lottery tickets via CC/debit card, they can’t verify a transaction that way.
And I assume most places have a security camera these days, but the quality is likely garbage a ton of the time, and I’d be surprised if they keep video footage for more than a few days before recording over it.
I guess in the last few years camera and cloud storage have problem improved that, but liquor stores/gas stations aren’t exactly known for keeping up with technological advancement.
This makes me wonder what the process is of during verification they see that the person who purchased the winning ticket and the person who has the winning ticket after the drawing are not the same.
zero0n3 t1_j9zpkbp wrote
If you do this right you can have a lawyer or agent or LLC claim it so you have a layer of protection
NancyPelBroski t1_j9zpxrh wrote
Who goes about stealing lottery tickets as if they know it’s the winning ticket?
Flexo-Specialist t1_j9zpydf wrote
Mr money bags here
stoneasaurusrex t1_j9zq4nc wrote
The lottery system is pretty extensive in itself, even tho cash purchases are the main way for lottery they still track it by the machine it was printed from, serial number, an individual number assigned to each ticket, and the bar code printed on each ticket. (I'm sure there's other ways I'm not privy to but these are the major ones I know)
And with every gas station now being able to load their feed up to the cloud instead of individual hard drives. It makes it easier to find out who purchased at ticket based on the info gathered from the ticket.
IamAWorldChampionAMA t1_j9zr6b4 wrote
Arizona is one. I live in Nevada and my Dad and I decided to do a road trip for when the Powerball was big. We did research and decided even though you have to pay taxes in AZ, it's better to be anonymous.
NorthChicago_girl t1_j9zrog8 wrote
That's true all over the country.
filmantopia t1_j9zs6qc wrote
Wait no, that was my ticket!
Saito1337 t1_j9zsqda wrote
Rather incredibly pointless when the store camera footage will have already shown the reality.
chaossabre t1_j9zssfn wrote
Card usage is relatively high in Canada compared to the 'states. Many people don't carry cash.
bootstrapping_lad t1_j9ztz7e wrote
I don't buy that argument. I live in an anonymous state and have never heard a single person wonder about the legitimacy of the lottery. IMO it does more harm than good.
Of course there are anomalies like McDonald's, but that doesn't outweigh the burden it places on the winners.
buttfunfor_everyone t1_j9zuchw wrote
You don’t have to buy anything. I’m literally explaining why they do it lol
Not all states have that rule but some do and this is why. Google lottery fraud sometime and read about the many, many times it’s happened.
Edit: lmao, okay bro. Downvote me because you don’t “buy” a state law and the stated reason for having it. Are you saying lottery fraud having been perpetuated in the past is not the reason some states have that law? Or that lottery fraud has never happened? Either way.. 🙄😂😂
[deleted] t1_j9zumbc wrote
[deleted] t1_j9zv56r wrote
[deleted] t1_j9zvafg wrote
[deleted] t1_j9zvlxo wrote
captainslowww t1_j9zwr0q wrote
Sometimes. It depends on the state.
Dythiese t1_j9zx1uf wrote
Seriously. Remember the last big powerball drawing not even two months ago? They postponed the drawing for almost a full day because of an error with one state's lottery system being out of sync.
Any possible irregularities will launch so, so many lawsuits. They run an extremely tight ship to prevent that nightmare scenario.
bootstrapping_lad t1_ja009fg wrote
Obviously that's the reason some states have the rules - that is well known and not at issue. I'm saying that it's unnecessary and does more harm than good.
deferens t1_ja00x3t wrote
In the US, the cash requirement is to prevent people from running up gambling debts on their credit cards.
buttfunfor_everyone t1_ja02n2i wrote
Okay.. do you have any facts, studies, stats, articles, stories-anything -to support your claim? Have you worked for a state lottery? Have some insider knowledge that we don’t?
Or did you just make your mind and state your opinion based on the assumption that doing so would somehow carry more weight than well documented historical fact?
State lotteries are run differently in every state. To make the claim that because yours is anonymous and you suspect zero issues with it is great. Maybe there’s not, but in the past and elsewhere there absolutely have been.
It’s just a strange way to engage with reality. If you do a quick cursory search online you will find a ton of examples of lottery fraud that has been perpetuated and, in response, states that have changed their laws thusly to require disclosure. Your opinion doesn’t change that.
If you think relatives knocking on your door for cash is worse than multimillion dollar fraud… 🙄
Edit: Honestly, don’t bother responding. I’m turning off notifications. Make whatever claim you want, I don’t want to spend the energy on it.
blu-juice t1_ja034jh wrote
I buy em with card in California. It’s gotta be debit, which is effectively cash.
zubbs99 t1_ja04bnk wrote
That scammer scammed my idea!
hawkwings t1_ja051af wrote
How did Edwin Castro find out that Jose Rivera had the winning ticket? Did Jose go around telling everyone that he had the winning ticket before he cashed it? If I had the winning ticket, I would take a picture and send a date delayed email to my sisters. I know how to do that with Gmail. Unlike many Redditors, I would cash it as fast as possible.
Bodach42 t1_ja05wt0 wrote
Sounds like a conversation you should have recorded if it actually happened.
Bodach42 t1_ja064ci wrote
Is it their place to even care shouldn't this be more a police investigation first if there is an allegations of it being stolen and they'd look into it.
bootstrapping_lad t1_ja067vm wrote
You must have missed where I said "IMO", which is an abbreviation for "In my opinion", in case you didn't know that.
> If you think relatives knocking on your door for cash is worse than multimillion dollar fraud… 🙄
State money is never more valuable than people's lives or right to individual privacy. Winning the lottery has a well documented negative effect on the winner's well-being including multiple cases of the winner being murdered. Some winners self implode. I'm not taking about that. I'm talking about relentless hounding by friends, family, distant relatives, organizations, and strangers. Winners have been murdered.
Let's do some of those Google searches you helpfully suggest:
I'm not saying that lottery fraud is never a problem, I'm saying that we should not be shifting the burden of that onto the winners, because staying anonymous is always the best course of action for the winner. Forcing their identity to be known puts a big target on their back and that is not debatable.
space-ish t1_ja06pbj wrote
Copy-paste a part of the article for whom it may be behind a firewall:
>The California Lottery says this is not true and released the following statement in response to the allegations:
>“When it comes to the vetting process for big winner, California Lottery has the utmost confidence in its process for doing so. California Lottery remains confident that Edwin Castro is the rightful winner of the $2.04 billion prize stemming from the Powerball drawing in November of 2022.”
>Carolyn Becker, deputy director of communications for the Lottery, told the Pasadena Star-News that the Lottery carries out an extensive investigation to verify winners. This includes having the claimant corroborate facts about how the ticket was purchased, verifying the physical ticket and in some cases reviewing surveillance footage of the store where the winning ticket was purchased
[deleted] t1_ja07844 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja07w0i wrote
[deleted] t1_ja07y86 wrote
Literature-South t1_ja09ea5 wrote
They don't seem to think so.
[deleted] t1_ja0bnyk wrote
ThatDarnScat t1_ja0bulr wrote
I could change my name, family, AND face for waayyy less than $2 Billions..
blahbleh112233 t1_ja0ce8d wrote
Has to usually be cash so you can only gamble your own money. You just know there's multiple thousands that would play $40k in lotto if their credit balance allowed it
watermelonsugar888 t1_ja0dlrd wrote
Why did he only file the lawsuit AFTER the winner was announced if he knew who it was?? Lmao
derfmai t1_ja0e6ia wrote
Interesting… it wasn’t for me.
MaxillaryOvipositor t1_ja0eev9 wrote
You can use debit but not credit. In Colorado, anyway.
[deleted] t1_ja0gdvt wrote
Morat20 t1_ja0hlpq wrote
As mentioned in the article -- store cameras if they have it -- I think some of the self-serve machines have cameras and snap stills like ATMs do as well.
Then some simple stuff like --- where you even in that area geographically at the time the ticket was sold, etc. Like if you're Bob from Newark claiming you won a ticket in Sacramento, they're gonna be more skeptical than if you live 6 blocks from the store it was sold at.
DefinitelyNotAliens t1_ja0ih00 wrote
They vette the ticket winners pretty thoroughly when the prizes are that big. They don't care if nobody contests it. They don't hand over hundreds of millions without confirmation, first.
Morat20 t1_ja0ikzh wrote
About a third allow fully anonymous claims.
Even the ones that don't, in many (perhaps most) trusts can claim it. So winners set up a trust, and lawyers working for the trust claim it on behalf of the trust.
So the 'winner' might be two guys in really good suits with the name "ABC Trust". Now, the lawyers have to attest to a whole bunch of shit to ensure it's not an ineligible winner hiding behind the trust, but a big-name law firm isn't going to perjure themselves over what's really a pretty small amount of billable hours. THEY aren't winning tens or hundreds of millions.
Because if you win even a few million, a good law firm and account is worth every penny just for the work they'll do, but not having every dumb fuck you went to school with known you won is goddamn priceless.
DefinitelyNotAliens t1_ja0ixpl wrote
Cameras. Even if the cameras suck they can look at it and go, 'okay, that is a late model white Accord at time of purchase, you drive one.' Boom. Done. Bob claims he bought the ticket - look over and there's no car of his there, or anyone remotely close.
Debit cards can buy them. Sync transactions, etc.
HeBoughtALot t1_ja0jdh7 wrote
I had a half of a breakfast burrito in my fridge and now its gone. Fucking Reggie.
[deleted] t1_ja0jdst wrote
[deleted] t1_ja0js80 wrote
Morat20 t1_ja0jsh5 wrote
If you ever win more than, say, a million? Go to the biggest city in your state, pick the biggest fucking law firm, and tell them you need their help to handle a sudden windfall.
They'll help you build a trust, and claim the ticket on behalf of the trust. So the winner will be the trust. They'll also file all the appropriate legal documents and affidavits claiming you are eligible to win.
Even if the State insists on speaking to the trustee (you!) and verifying it themselves, the winner will go down as -- and be publicized as the trust. And your big firm lawyer will be the one whose photo is on the wall under something like "50 million winner! 'FYIGM Trust"
It's worth the money not just because of keeping anonymity, but they'll help you find an accountant and tax attorney to structure how you get your winnings, and you can also keep a bunch of it safe from yourself -- and others.
Stick 80%+ into a trust where you can't touch the principal at all (or doing so is a huge, time-consuming process to prevent yourself from impulsive moves or manipulation) means when someone DOES work out you're rich, tough shit. You can't touch it.
You just have that 20% and the passive income.
(25m, for instance, in a trust is about 500k a year conservatively after taxes in passive income -- that's about 2.5%, minus taxes. 500k a fucking year after taxes is a lot of goddamn money, especially since you're likely debt free as well. Like 40k a month is fucking insane money)
[deleted] t1_ja0o6zl wrote
SidewaysFancyPrance t1_ja0ppjk wrote
The ticket seller gets a percentage of the win, so it's in their best interests to help resolve this ASAP.
[deleted] t1_ja0s1e0 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja0s2h6 wrote
gmen6981 t1_ja0shtp wrote
Here in Ohio it's store by store. Some places allow any method of payment, others are cash only. It's usually the smaller "mom and pop" type stores that require cash because retailers are required to keep a certain amount of cash available in order to cash winning scratch offs etc.....
gmen6981 t1_ja0t5wn wrote
In Ohio you can pay with cash, credit card or debit card. However the retailers are allowed to decide what form of payment they will accept. Larger chain outlets and gas stations usually accept all forms while small operations usually require cash since they don't do as much business and retailers are required to keep a certian amount of cash on hand to be able to cash winning scratch offs etc......
bitwarrior80 t1_ja0u99m wrote
Couldn't a person get a legal name change to something like "Number One Lotterywinner". I mean, for 2 billion and complete anonymity, it might be worth it.
[deleted] t1_ja0vj6f wrote
domino2064 t1_ja0wdkf wrote
>Sometimes. It depends on the state.
Surprisingly, Kansas is one of the few states you can remain entirely anonymous in.
[deleted] t1_ja0wkbv wrote
[deleted] t1_ja0wv5y wrote
Jaedos t1_ja0wxpb wrote
Go look up how the lottery works.
If we didn't do this, the lottery wouldn't exist. What is won is usually only half or less of what was actually bought in. The other portion of the money goes to fund all sorts of shit.
It's literally state-sponsored gambling even in states that van gambling.
Alkdmani t1_ja0ydpf wrote
Prohibitions laws went through similar process, and they didn't think that through, they didn't even fund the organisation that is supposed to crack down on alcohol.
Politicians are not philosophers, and the only thing differentiating them from diapers is the amount of shit inside.
[deleted] t1_ja0zhod wrote
Dilaudidsaltlick t1_ja10dkr wrote
All legal name changes are also public record....
btbrian t1_ja1222u wrote
In Illinois you're allowed to buy tickets online using a credit card.
Paavo_Nurmi t1_ja138k3 wrote
When my Dad died I got a nice bit of money and a co worker ask to borrow $600. He was a good dude and probably would have paid me back, but fuck no was my answer. I was lucky that it's just my brother and I and we are really close so no issues dividing things up.
Thomb t1_ja13lym wrote
Regardless of how prohibition laws ultimately played out, how can you say that not a lot of thought went into them? Can you predict the future and only make decisions that pan out? Prohibition laws also went through a lot of thought, discussion, and public participation. The US is a country supposedly governed by laws, and in a democracy those laws can evolve over time. Did you think of that?
Also, you do know that legislative funding bills for programs are separate from the program's basis, right? It appears that you didn't know that. Funding bills usually occur annually and can change with the political winds.
Are you suggesting that one person came up with these laws and implemented them, rather than what actually happened?
>Politicians are not philosophers, and the only thing differentiating them from diapers is the amount of shit inside.
Nobody said that politicians are philosophers. Also, I can tell the difference between a politician and a diaper. If you can't, perhaps you don't have a lot of thinking capabilities.
Where am I, at the Elks Lodge?
Zanzibar_T_Cricket t1_ja181m1 wrote
I bet you'll see it very differently if you win.....
Hershieboy t1_ja196vh wrote
Ain't this the premise of the Bow Wow movie "Lottery".
Warlord68 t1_ja197lm wrote
#1 reason to alway keep your receipt!
Murgatroyd314 t1_ja1b8if wrote
Even if you do that, the lottery agency will insist on knowing the actual person who will get the money. (For an example of why, google Eddie Tipton.) In some states, once they know this, it becomes a matter of public record subject to disclosure on request, despite your LLC/trust.
[deleted] t1_ja1hbhm wrote
ExCap2 t1_ja1hsxn wrote
You can claim lottery tickets anonymously through a lawyer, LLC, trust, etc; really depends on where you live but there's plenty of ways to claim it without ever revealing your name. Could probably even dress up as a mascot or something.
If you ever win something big, get a lawyer. Should be the first thing you do.
ExCap2 t1_ja1ilxa wrote
In this case, you could probably get with a lawyer or law firm and someone from there could claim it under their name with power of attorney only giving them the power to actually claim the winnings. Separate agreement to dole out money to the lawyer claiming the winnings, or just some random person off the street.
If I had to give up my name, I'd probably just leave the US. Plenty of countries where you can get citizenship for just being rich and being able take care of yourself financially and retire to.
Bouric87 t1_ja1je0m wrote
I don't think it's a legality thing it's just store policy. The profit on selling lottery tickets is only 5.5%. Many credit cards charge more than that as a service fee to the store. It's just a financial decision.
[deleted] t1_ja1lkw8 wrote
aiaor t1_ja1lxw2 wrote
The answers say it's for transparency. But don't they show the drawings on TV? How much more transparent can you get than that? Don't they show them in real time? Do they show them setting up the drawing, in real time, so people watching it on TV could see anything that gets done to rig it? Do they also have live audiences?
Note that I haven't actually seen the drawings on TV, so correct me if I don't understand how they do it.
Alkdmani t1_ja1o8c6 wrote
The question is on what side do we need transparency? On operation side? Sure, absolutely but on winners side in-regards to their ID? Not really, it has been doing more harm than good.
A waitress who was tipped with a lottery ticket, which won, ended up losing most of the prize money going from one lawsuit to another: The cheapskate client who tipped her the ticket sued her, her colleague sued her, etc.
Money that is supposed to change a person's life by getting them out of financial problems, should not invite new financial and legal problems to their life!
[deleted] t1_ja1s9pw wrote
[deleted] t1_ja1v9f9 wrote
washington_jefferson t1_ja1whcv wrote
That has nothing to do with the sale of lottery ticket sales in the US. So, if you're buying a bottle of water, some chips, and ask for a lottery ticket- you'll be paying for the food with card and have to scrounge cash out of your wallet for the lottery ticket.
> In 2021 in the US, debit cards accounted for 28% of all payments, credit cards accounted for 23%, and cash accounted for 19% of all payments.
> According to a 2020 survey by Payments Canada, cash accounted for 20% of all payments in Canada, while debit cards accounted for 30% and credit cards accounted for 22%.
vahntitrio t1_ja1wshm wrote
I think the the tickets literally have a disclaimer that the one that possesses the ticket is the owner, and to sign them right away.
redbrick5 t1_ja211u9 wrote
an actual use case for NFTs
RandomAngeleno t1_ja213jv wrote
Once the results are certified, the lottery knows exactly where and when the winning ticket was sold. There's only 2-3 days between Powerball drawings, so the lottery notifies the shop within hours of a drawing because the seller gets a prize commission for selling the winning tickets, too. During that time, especially for large jackpots, they request copies of any and all footage of the winning sale.
There's no "depending how long ago" here because this is all done within hours of the drawing, and even Mega Millions doesn't go longer than 4 days between draws. Most camera systems for lotto sellers hold video for that long.
[deleted] t1_ja2azx0 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja2epol wrote
crank1000 t1_ja2etsl wrote
What if the ticket was a gift?
Jessica65Perth t1_ja2lw7y wrote
I lost a lottery ticket here in Australia whilst walking from the Train station..A week later a neighbout told me they won $1 Million. I joled with him if he found the ticket it was mine. He laughed and would not answer. My bad luck if he did find my ticket and won..He never stole it
[deleted] t1_ja2p562 wrote
stoneasaurusrex t1_ja2pkcm wrote
I guess you haven't heard of these cool new things called video cameras. Theyre these cool little things that record images of whats going on in gas stations and other establishments that allows them to check the timestamp info gathered from the ticket to be able to track down who bought it and when.
And luckily gas stations and other businesses no longer need to keep tons of video tapes or even their own hard drives because you can upload this neat video to the cloud to be reviewed later.
Not sure how you seem to be the only one unable to sus that out but there's your explanation
Boofaholic_Supreme t1_ja2sdlv wrote
Using debt to buy lottery tickets isn’t allowed either
snoogins355 t1_ja2tqzb wrote
Rent a house in a secluded area of Hawaii. Get a new phone and only contact close family and friends but mostly lay low for a few months to a year
Aff3nmann t1_ja2vzgh wrote
wait, you can sign lottery tickets in the us?
[deleted] t1_ja2y8t7 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja2yloa wrote
5zepp t1_ja2yq02 wrote
Most states don't allow credit purchases of lottery products because of gambling addicts going into debt.
Vitiger t1_ja2zqfo wrote
You have to if you want be to the sole owner of it. There’s instructions and lines on the back that you should 100% do this to prevent exactly what the article is referring to.
Vitiger t1_ja2zxg0 wrote
Whoever’s name is on the back is the owner and winner. Read your lottery tickets.
fishrunhike t1_ja30eej wrote
Man, banks aren't even known for keeping up with technological advances lol I see local PD posting suspect photos from bank robberies around the region and they're still terrible quality. The cost must not outweigh the costs of losing money in a robbery
lordph8 t1_ja32o4z wrote
People used to hand their tickets to am attendant to check.
"Oh, you won $10."
The next day, you're watching the news. "Gas station attendant won 30 million."
jonovan t1_ja32oc6 wrote
You can Google this exact same question and get much more thorough answers than on Reddit.
Aff3nmann t1_ja32puz wrote
ok kevin
Honalana t1_ja32rjl wrote
There was a big mega millions winner by me once and they said which gas station it was sold at. The very next day some woman is out there on the news claiming she bought the ticket at that gas station but she lost it there before she left. (Sure, Jan) For a week people crawled all over that gas station looking for it. Then the actual winner claimed the prize. This crazy liar tried to create a narrative so when the actual winner came forward she could claim it was her missing ticket. It didn’t work but it was funny seeing all those people there looking in bushes, in trash cans
Aff3nmann t1_ja32trl wrote
in germany people who are involved with the lottery (employees, sellers etc) are not allowed to participate.
ronreadingpa t1_ja3318l wrote
Another option is buying tickets online. Many states offer that and eliminates much of the issues with physical tickets that are essentially bearer documents.
In Pennsylvania, to buy on-line lottery, one needs to register an account and all purchases are in the name of the account holder. Much better and safer than physical tickets.
Seems eventually, lotteries will more aggressively tout safety as another reason to buy big jackpot games on-line. Plus, lotteries benefit too by not having to pay out sales commissions to retailers.
Hopefully the CA Lottery handles this promptly, because there are some lottery players who avoid buying Powerball / Mega Million tickets when jackpots get unusually high for just this reason.
FF_Gilgamesh1 t1_ja369jn wrote
I can't believe he stole my lottery ticket
[deleted] t1_ja36vnl wrote
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[deleted] t1_ja370ak wrote
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[deleted] t1_ja38b45 wrote
thetasigma_1355 t1_ja3aywu wrote
You are also going to have vehicle information in most situations. So if he drove to the gas station, they also have his vehicle info which would be easily verifiable as a vehicle he owns, which he got out of and bought the ticket.
Also the fact that zero other people are claiming the ticket is fairly significant.
And this is all a huge assumption that the camera doesn’t clearly show it’s him.
stoneasaurusrex t1_ja3eeii wrote
There's tons of ways to verify the info besides seeing someone's face on the camera, theres license plates, you can identify clothing if you wanna go the covered face route, you can check multiple cameras in the area if they say they walked and didn't take a car, and those are just the obvious ways I personally can think of, so I imagine people whose actual job it is to investigate these things has other ways besides the obvious.
The lottery system isn't afraid to do an investigation to verify things it's literally their job, and the fact that not only the lotto winner, but also the convenience store it was sold from gets a cash prize. It's not that hard figure out who's lying about what based on how easily everyone involved would cooperate.
washington_jefferson t1_ja3nmp2 wrote
I’m just saying there are plenty of street corner bodegas in my area. Cash only for lotto. Many people that buy lotto tickets are poor, and they don’t even have cars. Sometimes there are no neighboring businesses- just old houses that definitely don’t have Ring cameras. Lots of these junkies that buy lotto tickets look the same- baggy clothing, and wearing a hat with a hoodie on top. Probably even wearing sunglasses inside the market no matter the time of day. Basically Jesse Pinkman prototypes from Breaking Bad. No snitching culture is rampant.
Not a big deal though. If you possess the ticket, and you at least match the profile- you should obviously get the money. Any other scenario is just speculation or hypothetical. No entering of a debit pin, no use of a credit card, no license plate, generic profile that matches 70% of the street profile, cash payment- no DNA 🧬!
As for the hold up in payment, there is no disclaimer that says you can’t buy a lotto ticket in cash, while walking, while obscuring your face on camera, and look like a certain profile.
SharpieBass t1_ja3pbb1 wrote
Interviews with all parties, videos, etc. they don’t fuck around with this stuff.
washington_jefferson t1_ja3pphz wrote
Oh, I wasn’t talking about this case. The Reggie guy does not exist. I was arguing against the user who said investigators have tons of ways to verify it was certainly a specific person even though they used cash. I was just adding that they could be walking (not sure why everyone keeps mentioning gas stations- normal corner markets are common), and that the camera might show the person looks and dresses like most people in the area.
FriendOfDirutti t1_ja3sk63 wrote
Cousin of gas station employee won lottery!
jonovan t1_ja41csp wrote
I'm trying to help you, and you're being mean. That's not a good way to go through life, my friend.
muusandskwirrel t1_ja44usn wrote
Your first thing to do if you think you won the lottery would be to set up an LLC and have that corporation claim the winnings
beeraholikchik t1_ja46o7o wrote
Most receipts will only say you purchased a ticket since the tickets for Powerball, Mega, Lotto, etc. generally aren't actually scanned but rather just have the dollar amount entered into the register. The receipt won't have the numbers you chose on it . What you really need to do is sign the back of your ticket. That is the only proof you have that it's yours. You could also take a picture of the front and back of the ticket as extra evidence, but mostly just sign it and keep it in a safe place.
[deleted] t1_ja4cnu8 wrote
Warlord68 t1_ja4kfkq wrote
Hahaha true, so far I haven’t run into the problem of winning too much!
wyyknott01 t1_ja4r9r3 wrote
Maybe he should've waited for the thief to turn in ticket
muusandskwirrel t1_ja4xbs4 wrote
Not really, no
farmtownsuit t1_ja50zp7 wrote
It varies by state. Maine also allows this but a lot of states don't
[deleted] t1_ja5c3kn wrote
[deleted] t1_ja64b1b wrote
[deleted] t1_ja67nat wrote
Coulrophiliac444 t1_ja6ff6a wrote
Thats why there's disclaimers that you cant be related in contests now. Too many 'coincidential' family winners.
azarusx t1_ja6z6tz wrote
Lady wins lottery and next day marries gas station employee!
What a lucky man he is! Winning two things at once!
It's an annoyance, but he's the one that can walk into the biggest law firm in the state and not even feel the cost. Frivolously suing him is a good way to get countersued into oblivion if you piss him off enough.
Reasonable_Ticket_84 t1_ja860e2 wrote
Or just move to somewhere full of rich fucks already like certain parts of Cali, Seattle or NY.
Trance354 t1_ja8lb71 wrote
Having been employed at a store where a large jackpot was won, I can tell you that the lottery commission has gone over the footage with a fine-toothed comb.
Did you know the lottery machines have a camera in them? I didn't know, either. They caught one of our employees stealing from customers.
"One ticket for the customer, one ticket for myself..." He charged the customer 2x and said the fees went up.
coondingee t1_ja994xq wrote
Money and misery?
[deleted] t1_ja9phja wrote
Literature-South t1_jaa0w7n wrote
Insane. Also sounds like your coworker was a real idiot. That lie is easily disproven by a simple google search.
Trance354 t1_jaa9qhh wrote
Old customers. My company was waiting for him to cross the felony threshold, after which he was escorted from the building to a waiting squad car. Misdemeanors can be left off his next job application. Not so much for felonies.
Literature-South t1_jaaly7g wrote
Unpopular opinion, but that seems pretty unethical to me, regardless of how unethical this guy was. Hurting the guy's ability to support himself or a family for his whole life... Sure he's a piece of shit now, but people change.
Trance354 t1_jab406c wrote
I don't make the policy.
I also did made sure everyone knew their actions were being recorded. There were 6 more cameras in plain view, all you had to do was look up, and see they were pointed at you.
Also, one of those cameras was how I found out just how far my bald spot went.
"Who's the bald guy?"
"You." -Loss Prevention
Literature-South t1_jab7fgw wrote
Yeah, none of that addresses the issue I raised.
igankcheetos t1_jac5una wrote
I think that it is more unethical that they let him bilk more customers by double charging them.
Trance354 t1_jadyty1 wrote
There were warnings. LP knew what was going on, and chances to stop were given.
He was restricted to using a specific register, only. If that was in use, he was put to work on menial tasks until that register was available, lines or no lines. In one instance, we pulled the person who was working, audited her till, and brought it back for him to use, while putting the previous employee on a different register.
Cameras were adjusted to have better line of sight of that register. He watched them make the adjustments.
A policy sign-off was circulated having to do with theft, grift, and consequences, as well as the consequences for lottery fraud.
He was essentially told, "We're watching, don't do it again."
Missing all those hints was ... self-destructive, at best? It was this or rob a bank for the rush, I guess.
The warnings might as well have been in neon lights, and he still ignored them.
As for ruining his life? The world still needs ditch diggers.
yourbraindead t1_jaf1ifv wrote
I think he was trying to make a joke about the fact that in the longer scale that many countries use (like we in Germany) after a million comes Milliarde and then billion. So your trillion is our billion.
ken120 t1_j9yxkcm wrote
Ok does the place have security cameras. Lottery system should have the time recorded of when ticket was sold just look at which person was at the counter at that time. Not to mentioned as printed on the tickets sign them when you buy them. Without a signature they are considered property of who ever has them in hand.