Submitted by Guybrush_Tripwood t3_112u7dh in news
Seattle2Boston t1_j8m7dod wrote
It’s probably gonna sprout up all over the place now.
ThaVerySadTruth t1_j8m7icx wrote
Am I the only one who finds traveling the world with such content extremely reckless, if not negligent?
[deleted] t1_j8m7okl wrote
asdaaaaaaaa t1_j8m7s69 wrote
Honestly, I'd rather they respect the artists wishes if they never intended to release it. If it was the case of just not having the chance but intended to, go for it. I get fans and people wanting to hear everything that person produced, but I also think a major part of an artists image and art itself is what you choose to share/publish. Not an artist, but knowing some people who enjoy it, they take sharing more personal pieces very seriously and I know they wouldn't be very happy if it were "leaked" or shared publicly.
That being said, 50GB is a LOT of music, assuming the media takes up similar space to high quality audio tracks. Especially when you consider how much content/music we already have from MJ.
righteousprovidence t1_j8m8ngi wrote
Some of 2pac's finest works came long after he is dead. I hope the same is the case with MJ
[deleted] t1_j8m99a4 wrote
TimeTravelMishap t1_j8m9lxz wrote
Same shit happened with Dre. Me and Franklin took care of it tho.
shaokim t1_j8mba4c wrote
Oh yeah, I forgot about Dre
Madbiscuitz t1_j8mceta wrote
I'd imagine a fair amount of it is either rough takes and raw multitracks. One song could have dozens of tracks that are unmixed. Would be cool though if those tracks were released out in the wild so anyone could mix and master their own tracks.
[deleted] t1_j8md0ye wrote
FlatPineappleSociety t1_j8mdil7 wrote
You've been hit by, you've been struck by
A smooth criminal
FlatulenceIsAVirtue t1_j8mg530 wrote
Wikileaks is reporting that Billie Jean was in fact his lover, and that he was the one.
NoCardio_ t1_j8mh9e5 wrote
Not counting makaveli, what examples do you have? Let me guess, you’re going to say Changes.
NoCardio_ t1_j8mhcai wrote
- He didn’t do it.
[deleted] t1_j8mhgqw wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mij2k wrote
Javerage t1_j8mjev5 wrote
Hopefully now we'll finally be able to find out if Annie is indeed okay. She's been very tight lipped about telling us if she's okay.
[deleted] t1_j8mjv4m wrote
black_flag_4ever t1_j8mlaax wrote
It’s 2023, she’s definitely not.
[deleted] t1_j8mnpm7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mo7uw wrote
TheThirdJudgement t1_j8mocyh wrote
They might not be mixed.
Snowdeo720 t1_j8moyn0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mq71i wrote
drawkbox t1_j8mqv75 wrote
Why? Why? Tell them that its Human Nature...
drawkbox t1_j8mqwd0 wrote
Inside job + mob
WalkerBRiley t1_j8mra6u wrote
Kinda an odd unit of measure to describe how much content it was. 50gb is nothing today. It could be a few short videos or it could be several days worth of audio. Just the formatting of the files will change their size.
bleachglommer t1_j8mrs8s wrote
Damn if only there was an article where they explain how they stole it (there is, you should read it)
[deleted] t1_j8mrytl wrote
superbugger t1_j8msome wrote
Is 50GB a lot or a little? That truly means nothing to me.
It could be like 50,000 songs or 1 hour of video.
[deleted] t1_j8mt0ab wrote
fullload93 t1_j8mt2qo wrote
Why TF is someone walking around with this massive amount of data and it wasn’t backed up somewhere secure? Like come on… that’s just carelessness at this point.
[deleted] t1_j8mtd7f wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mti3n wrote
Rfunkpocket t1_j8mtx20 wrote
great, a bunch of unmastered tracks and demos from the leading session musicians of the last decade
grosslytransparent t1_j8mui9w wrote
Probably will be praised by preservationist on twitter and be uploaded on
[deleted] t1_j8mvka0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mvm8w wrote
2459-8143-2844 t1_j8mw6td wrote
In this case by jumping out a window with a laptop. They seem to know the person that did it.
techman2692 t1_j8mxa0s wrote
Are any of us okay in 2023?
[deleted] t1_j8mxicd wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mxmn4 wrote
Psydator t1_j8mxx99 wrote
Was it Martin Shkreli?
Bn_scarpia t1_j8mz0xw wrote
Best. Beat. Ever
mrtn17 t1_j8mz85a wrote
"would you download a car?"
[deleted] t1_j8mzaak wrote
rutefoot t1_j8mzplx wrote
Finding an old hard drive that belonged to MJ is a risky click if there ever was one
Annethrakx t1_j8n01f6 wrote
Hate it when Motherfuckers act like they Forgot about Dre.
[deleted] t1_j8n04xg wrote
[deleted] t1_j8n06dm wrote
Famous_Friend_7566 t1_j8n07e7 wrote
What a "Thriller" I hope they "Beat It!"
Pauly_Amorous t1_j8n0ns9 wrote
>I'd imagine a fair amount of it is either rough takes and raw multitracks.
Some of those are very interesting though, like Thriller with alternate lyrics. (This was actually released, but who knows what else is out there that we've never heard.)
ExtensionNoise9000 t1_j8n0yn5 wrote
Any info on this?
Man I really want to hear some old unreleased music from Dre.
[deleted] t1_j8n12x2 wrote
BudgetBrick t1_j8n1flt wrote
I don’t. Leak it.
DireWraith3000 t1_j8n1hdh wrote
Police said Dirty Diana and her accomplice Billie Jean Beat It with the stolen music. Blood on the Dance Floor was a clue that led to a co conspirator named Ben but being a rat he wasn’t talking much. Authorities stated it was Human Nature for these types of crimes to occur.
Police also said that Off The Wall comments about their investigation have left them in a State of Shock as everything is not always Black or White and the public should look at The Man in the Mirror before criticizing the investigation.
EmersonLucero t1_j8n1kp0 wrote
35GB of it is retakes of "Sha-moan" sound bites.
RadonSilentButDeadly t1_j8n1o8h wrote
Depends on what it is. Raw studio audio takes up way more room than the final product. That hard drive could just tracks for one song.
Active-Sky-M31 t1_j8n1rl3 wrote
50GB, that’s a very large amount of data. Did they steal his .MP3 and .MPEG collection?
[deleted] t1_j8n1ti9 wrote
Thewonderboy94 t1_j8n2ld9 wrote
Well, if it's unreleased stuff, it's most likely not in a lossy compressed format like MP3, so the sound would at minimum be in a lossless compressed format like FLAC, but it would more likely be in WAVE, so you would have maybe roughly around ~70 hours of CD quality audio or basically 70 albums worth of CDs if the CDs were more or less filled to the brim (which usually isn't the case, most albums don't utilize the full capacity of the CD, most of the time albums seem to be in the 40-50min range).
But if we consider all that unreleased stuff to also contain just some isolated beats and vocals or other stuff, or unmixed tracks, their specs could be beyond CD quality to ensure better headroom for mixing and mastering, which would also reduce the estimate of how much music is in that 50GB package. Because we don't really know what exactly is contained in that 50GB, it's kinda hard to say how much of that is actually listenable music and tracks. Like, if you have an isolated vocal demo track and then an isolated drum demo track meant for a single song, those would separately use more space as their own tracks than when they would eventually be mixed together into a single finished track. Maybe there are several variations for the drums for a single track, or maybe there are a couple of different mixed versions of an unreleased but finished track. That can vastly sway the amount of listenable music you have in that 50GB.
It's probably still a lot of music, though. Probably not just "70 albums worth" a lot.
pickles_and_mustard t1_j8n2wtw wrote
And the kid was indeed his son
MrCasterSugar t1_j8n2xbp wrote
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say..
Demiansmark t1_j8n3cg9 wrote
That's bad. Really really bad.
johnny_memetic t1_j8n3jds wrote
Oh right. Hostages need food.
Javelin-x t1_j8n3pkv wrote
>Would be cool though if those tracks were released out in the wild so anyone could mix and master their own tracks.
Billie-Jean wrecks the Edmund Fitzgerald?
FlowersForAlgorithm t1_j8n45r8 wrote
Could the Michael Jackson story get any more weird?
osnapitsjoey t1_j8n4xbj wrote
Yeah it was all over the Los Santos news for it a while
[deleted] t1_j8n50d8 wrote
Jon_the_Hitman_Stark t1_j8n71dv wrote
I believe he came into the window
EmperorDPants t1_j8n72u3 wrote
Clearly, they wanna be startin something...
[deleted] t1_j8n79nn wrote
arealhumannotabot t1_j8n7hsm wrote
lol the people in here not reading the article then commenting as though they did
AldoTheeApache t1_j8n7t82 wrote
it’s just Human Nature
mandy009 t1_j8n81m2 wrote
back in my day a decade and a half ago when we consumed just HD quality video, a general rule of thumb was 1 GB per feature length movie.
AldoTheeApache t1_j8n86tu wrote
No one wants to be defeated!
[deleted] t1_j8n8a1g wrote
[deleted] t1_j8n8im3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8n8mv3 wrote
starmartyr t1_j8n8ow3 wrote
It's a series of missions in GTA online. Dre's unreleased tracks are stolen and the player has to find them and get them back. This is unsurprisingly accomplished through auto theft and murder.
Fuzzy_Logic_4_Life t1_j8n8r90 wrote
Unless they were trying to sell it, I mean even if it was stored in the cloud it could be stolen by a disingenuous buyer.
CarboTheHydrate t1_j8n98fx wrote
So, where can we hear it?
ExtensionNoise9000 t1_j8n9p2n wrote
Ohh 😅
I don’t play GTA:O so I completely missed that reference.
MajorKoopa t1_j8na2y4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8naswe wrote
deuceawesome t1_j8nb58u wrote
Something tells me this won't be as popular as the Pamela Anderson sex tape was
[deleted] t1_j8nbfzq wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nbocr wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ndlyw wrote
2459-8143-2844 t1_j8ndq4y wrote
I didn't see an interview with the theif in the article.
DeMalgamnated t1_j8necn4 wrote
the one what? like Neo?
nulledit t1_j8ngdg4 wrote
It's like when a news story talks about pages of emails or texts. Some emails are shorter than this comment and might take up a whole page depending on how it is formatted. It's an inconsistent measure.
[deleted] t1_j8ngglt wrote
Fuschiakraken42 t1_j8ngpv5 wrote
Most of them just came to make the same joke.
Fuschiakraken42 t1_j8nguqg wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ngy3l wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nh2st wrote
Diabetesh t1_j8nhbgw wrote
I like to think that it will just all show up on tpb or some other equivalent to then never disappear from the web.
IsThisKismet t1_j8nhdg6 wrote
I recently watched Leaving Neverland and the takeaway that I got (beyond the legalities of crimes that he was acquitted for) is that he broke their hearts. Not necessarily for doing the things they say he did? But because he replaced them. And that’s far more easily assured to have happened and still unforgivable.
weildescent t1_j8nieqn wrote
That was my first thought. These ain't gonna be 5-10 MB a piece... these are gonna be huge files for use while mastering, right?
That75252Expensive t1_j8nin0t wrote
On the playground was where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool.
[deleted] t1_j8njj8n wrote
[deleted] t1_j8njt2v wrote
It was for his OnlyFreaks account.
Sajun t1_j8nkagx wrote
oh thank god. Maybe these kind thieves will release it.
starmartyr t1_j8nknmf wrote
It's a fairly recent addition to the game that was added last year. Dre appears in the content and actually voices his own lines.
Nihil_Cow t1_j8nkr5w wrote
Trying to sell a deadman’s work for a quick buck.
ExtensionNoise9000 t1_j8nksye wrote
That sounds dope af!
Thanks for the info.
[deleted] t1_j8nluki wrote
Aazadan t1_j8nmwjb wrote
Same concept as a museum. But unreleased material typically isn’t in a release state, and especially not in a state to artist would want us to experience it in.
Canis_Familiaris t1_j8nnpu1 wrote
Franklin and that silent dude's agency put in a lot of work. Heard they were investing in cabs recently though, what a change!
jschubart t1_j8nnspj wrote
Keep his name out your motherfucking mouth.
Canis_Familiaris t1_j8nnsz0 wrote
Yea, it's not that bad.
That75252Expensive t1_j8no9sm wrote
Wow, dude! It was a Dr. Dre joke.
jschubart t1_j8np040 wrote
Maybe the reference went over my head but those were Fresh Prince lyrics. He has no doctorate.
That75252Expensive t1_j8nptk3 wrote
Someone will catch you up, I'm sure of it.
[deleted] t1_j8npw2x wrote
PaleontologistClear4 t1_j8nq4rs wrote
50 GB of unreleased songs? That's a lot of music, curious what it sounds like.
patman_007 t1_j8nqsw3 wrote
Obviously the most responsible thing to do here is feed all the content to an AI generator and then have it perform live.
Freefall_J t1_j8nrrt8 wrote
I think we just found our next Michael Jackson.
a3poify t1_j8nrujk wrote
There's quite a few raw multitracks of Michael Jackson stuff out there.
[deleted] t1_j8ns347 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nt9v1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nv9w6 wrote
Fuzzy_Logic_4_Life t1_j8nw23s wrote
Never heard of the antiques market?
(Watch White Collar, it’s a great tv show)
[deleted] t1_j8nwh6m wrote
AdventureBum t1_j8nx0g8 wrote
You know they're bad, they're bad, you know it
[deleted] t1_j8nyr16 wrote
AveDominusNox t1_j8nyt9b wrote
I’m gonna go on with my day believing it’s all text. Just trillions of words of notes and lyrics and musings. Like the lyrics to all the genesis sonic games. Or instruction manuals for theme park rides. Maybe detailed notes on what monkeys eat.
[deleted] t1_j8nz1yw wrote
[deleted] t1_j8o04bw wrote
WhosUrBuddiee t1_j8o079w wrote
What if it’s a sex tape?
[deleted] t1_j8o1x55 wrote
Utsutsumujuru t1_j8o2ugy wrote
I heard they are looking for a smooth criminal
[deleted] t1_j8o5t3l wrote
[deleted] t1_j8o6iz8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8o7ujw wrote
HardlyDecent t1_j8o8hne wrote
Damn, thought it was Lawrence Fishburne.
[deleted] t1_j8o8m2f wrote
HardlyDecent t1_j8o9qm0 wrote
To the sound of a crescendo?
[deleted] t1_j8oallc wrote
[deleted] t1_j8obeaz wrote
[deleted] t1_j8obo0a wrote
Chronotaru t1_j8odsbt wrote
I've never heard of that one, is that one of the unreleased songs?
sluttttt t1_j8ogeqo wrote
It still sucks that they released Prince's unreleased tracks after he passed. Dude was a perfectionist and there's no way for us to know if he felt that they were ready for the public. Maybe Anderson Paak went a little hardcore with his tattoo requesting no posthumous releases, but I get where he's coming from.
[deleted] t1_j8oho98 wrote
deeman18 t1_j8oiij2 wrote
They're just being descriptive. Not like we know the contents or number of files or anything
[deleted] t1_j8oj8uw wrote
POLLnarafu t1_j8om05z wrote
Michael jackson is a pedophile
TurnsOutImAScientist t1_j8onc6a wrote
Assume it's .wav, 10 MB per minute. Assume separate tracks for each instrument, we'll say 100. So that's 1GB per minute. At most a couple of albums worth of material.
Mr_Horsejr t1_j8onxud wrote
I blame The Chronic.
[deleted] t1_j8oqams wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ot1m2 wrote
senorbolsa t1_j8otwa4 wrote
a few albums of unreleased tracks by one of the most famous (and some would say greatest) pop artists is a pretty big deal though.
even if it was just 50gb of MJ doodling in his notebook that would be a big deal for fans I presume. (I like MJ but I'd stop short of fanaticism)
DrDavid_Pornalt t1_j8ow1dx wrote
He runs over his own hookers too
[deleted] t1_j8oycsw wrote
[deleted] t1_j8oyvdv wrote
[deleted] t1_j8p12wi wrote
ChemicalReception t1_j8p1v4f wrote
Did they include the part where he beats up his girlfriend and shot at her as well?
[deleted] t1_j8p251q wrote
dkran t1_j8p3n9l wrote
In a Mercedes Benz with the windows up when the temp goes up to the mid eighties
intoxicatednoob t1_j8p8dcz wrote
Indeed the only crime here is it being locked away on some guys laptop and not available for the world to enjoy.
[deleted] t1_j8panzo wrote
BatXDude t1_j8pmz2f wrote
Annie?! Bitch, you good?
[deleted] t1_j8pnt2p wrote
[deleted] t1_j8pram7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8prec6 wrote
Savet t1_j8ptqnu wrote
At least it's not 2020.
[deleted] t1_j8ptymb wrote
_THDRKNGHT_ t1_j8pxg3l wrote
And various hard breaths
edgeplayer t1_j8pxvdq wrote
Surely if it existed the world would have known years ago. It is rather late to be saying this material exists but was stolen. It could be an elaborate deep fake fraud. If it came off it would be the most lucrative forgery ever. MJ's estate was in tatters, so where was this little gem hidden away ?
AvatarLebowski t1_j8q4fvw wrote
Jimi Hendrix has released 16 studio albums, 3 of them while he was alive
pseudocultist t1_j8q69r3 wrote
I try not to read the local Los Santos news, way too violent.
oldsecondhand t1_j8q8dxu wrote
> Honestly, I'd rather they respect the artists wishes if they never intended to release it.
If we went by that, we'd have nothing left of Franz Kaffka's works.
5AlarmFirefly t1_j8qascw wrote
Just leak it.
jethroguardian t1_j8qg9c2 wrote
The should look at the man in the mirror
tubetalkerx t1_j8qjser wrote
Brad are you ok?
Are you ok Brad?
starmartyr t1_j8ql21o wrote
No but he is out there doing crimes. It's a bit weird considering that he's a real person. My GTA character has murdered more people than most drug cartels. It feels weird that he would want to be my friend.
thecoffee t1_j8qu0j1 wrote
I hear with ride share apps taking so much business away, most cab companies are just fronts for acid dealers these days.
MechaMagikarp t1_j8quwwi wrote
Daily reminder: No amount of childhood trauma, success or fame excuses being a pedophile. This piece of crap was fucking boys and paying their parents off. He literally dangled his child out of a multi-story building window. Stop bringing this shit head back up and stop acting like his music did nearly as much good as he did bad to the world.
[deleted] t1_j8tq5cu wrote
apenature t1_j8m78ek wrote
I have mixed feelings about releasing anything like this.