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Dedpoolpicachew t1_j6zepbj wrote

Ah, Texas… still trying to out Florida, Floriduuuuh.


Snowdeo720 t1_j6ztupd wrote

What kind of piece of shit steals a fire truck?


Al_Jazzera t1_j70fqdf wrote

Approx $250,000 for a water tender. At least $500,000 for a pumper truck. To steal such an expensive and important piece of machinery all to wreck it a block down the road in an ice storm no less. Fortunately the thing didn't sustain serious damage, unfortunately the idiot who caused the mess ran away before anyone could catch them.


Busman123 t1_j71rvfp wrote

Shitty picture. Oh! It’s Fox! Nvm


adios-buckaroo t1_j73ywpq wrote

That’s even on the low end for a fire truck these days. Pumpers usually start at $500k, ladders around $750k, and quints (combination ladder/pump) push $1 million. Those prices can easily go up from there once they are customized for the department they are going to.


adios-buckaroo t1_j7409ra wrote

I know you’re joking, but most fire apparatus don’t have keys at all, and those that do usually just have them in the ignition all the time. You don’t want to be searching for keys when you need to get to a fire.

Security pretty much relies on them being in a secured bay most of the time, at least one crew member being close by when out on incidents, and requiring some training (or at least a good amount of time) to figure out how to start one and get it moving.