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Proof_Device_8197 t1_j9n06z2 wrote

She has to eventually, too much pressure built up there. Isn’t she overdue now?


scrambledeggsalad t1_j9n1xez wrote

Yes, it is overdue.


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j9nidaf wrote

Wasn't the last really huge one back in like 1700? That's a long time for the pressure to build up. I think that researchers figured out that there had been a monster quake in the Cascadian zone because of old writing from Japan describing a tsunami of mysterious origin. It turned out to have traveled all the way across the Pacific after a quake in the Pacific Northwest region.


kirbygay t1_j9phq1z wrote

The local indigenous peoples also had tales of a tsunami sweeping away tons of people.

If anyone is interested, here's a neat article:


Kale t1_j9t3mso wrote

The Japanese were aware of the link between earthquakes and tsunamis when the last Cascadia event occurred. There are records of a tsunami in Japan without a recorded quake. It's believed this may have been Cascadia (early 1700's I think?). Indigenous people told the first European explorers about quakes, which probably had occurred not long before the explorers reached the PNW coast.


Aldervale t1_j9ngtp3 wrote

Yup, we just have to hope it releases as a series of mid-level earthquakes instead of a single catastrophic event.