mrthebear5757 t1_j8p3xk8 wrote
Reply to comment by AurelianoTampa in Austin’s city manager fired over widespread power outages by Sebekiz
They are a public official in the sense that they work for a government office, but a city manager for a city of a million people is a job that is designed to operate "like the CEO of a business", as the article said. The kind of people qualified to take these positions are not common, and it is a highly compensated field when you are hiring for someone responsible for departments, etc. of such a large city. You are essentially hiring someone who could be running a mid to large size business.
thegreatestajax t1_j8pz3ht wrote
Yep. They’re the technocrat that keeps things going while politicians squabble for the masses.
sjfiuauqadfj t1_j8qgocb wrote
austin also has a weak mayor system so the city manager has a lot of power while the mayor is more or less just there to cosplay as jesus
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