Submitted by batmaninwonderland t3_115bvjw in news
LuinAelin t1_j90qvbq wrote
I'm shocked, shocked.
Well not that shocked
[deleted] t1_j90roo3 wrote
Hattix t1_j90s7fo wrote
You see this in "culture warriors" the world over. They knowingly weaken their cult, as a weak people are a frightened people, are a controlled people, but never weaken themselves.
[deleted] t1_j90wy20 wrote
EdisonLightbulb t1_j910yeb wrote
They (the right-wing elites) all get it because they know it will protect them. Look at tRump, his fam, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham, etc. They all got the protection, then proceed to scream and holler about all the sheeple on the left.
420trashcan t1_j911c5k wrote
I wonder if COVID deniers will ever understand that they are actually very easily controlled.
[deleted] t1_j911jyc wrote
[deleted] t1_j911tom wrote
DependentAd235 t1_j914sc0 wrote
Trump was weirdly pro vaccination for a while. I remember him getting booed talking about it.
[deleted] t1_j9170en wrote
SuperUai t1_j917zpd wrote
Still under investigation, the document said he got the shot, but people are not finding the registers of it, so he might have faked that just to enter in other countries that demanded complete vaccination.
FireSparrowWelding t1_j919och wrote
Lol our towns most infamous Trump mobile took down all his flags and posters after that.
AudibleNod t1_j91adof wrote
They called him a "New York elitist" in Oklahoma after his shot in Oklahoma. Candace Owens told him to "do his research" after he ever so subtly suggested the shot can save MAGA lives.
Just because you're placed in top of the elephant doesn't mean you're in charge of the elephant.
OS6aDohpegavod4 t1_j91bfiu wrote
It's almost like politicians just say stuff that their constituents want to hear.
Crunchy_Leaves_Slap t1_j91c4y6 wrote
Professionals in hypocrisy.
TomCosella t1_j91ccdc wrote
They'd have to be off a ventilator long enough to first
TheDodoBird t1_j91diba wrote
Well in this case, Drump said stuff his constituents did not want to hear.
Chippopotanuse t1_j91ejwt wrote
It’s like when the Pope says “hey, be kind to gay people” and every asshole Catholics responds with “welp, he’s not MY Pope anymore!”
The only appeal Trump has for some folks is that he validated their antisocial and horrific viewpoints.
But by that same token, anything remotely reasonable that Trump might say (like “vaccines work”) is going to cause these assholes to flee to a more insane figurehead.
And that’s how we get Ron DeathSantis and Marjorie Taylor White Fur Coat.
laptopAccount2 t1_j91esg4 wrote
Because they were developed under his tenure so he got to take credit for them.
OS6aDohpegavod4 t1_j91gcjn wrote
Yeah I meant he started with something he actually believed and then changed once he realized his constituents didn't like it.
[deleted] t1_j91her1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j91jfuv wrote
[deleted] t1_j91jzox wrote
TogepiMain t1_j91lqxo wrote
Uh no, that rally was late. What many people here consider "post pandemic".
Trust me, hearing Donald J Trump suggest his party his vaccinated against covid was the wildest and most unlikely thing I ever heard that man say
For a brief, shining moment far far far far far far far too late anyway, he said something based on the science. For the most selfish reasons possible, because he was terrified of his party killing themselves and ruining his reelection (See : Arizona where this actually looks to be one of the biggest reasons Lake didn't win, too many GOP fucks had died)
Frankly, it was the coolest thing Donald trump had ever done. Not just for, selfish or not, trying to get people to do the right thing for the first time ever??? But the fact that instantly he had lost people. Instantly. The speech was the most important moment of his career because it proved to everyone in the world paying attention that the the GOP is lost. They can not be recovered. Maybe a few % will trickle away but that core, that 30ish percent of America? They don't care. They just want others to suffer and lose, and even their shining gold god was so quickly defaced and replaced.
The man pulls in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in "help me fight the big bad courts" money from people to this day, and yet we know every single of of those nuts would now do the same to him as he would to them; if Trump ever sees the inside of a jail, his base will let him rot.
TehJohnny t1_j91qf3d wrote
And he didn't turn into a crocodile!?
[deleted] t1_j91r252 wrote
[deleted] t1_j91re2o wrote
Totally_man t1_j91tics wrote
Snakes don't turn into crocodiles.
zakabog t1_j91uj8x wrote
> Trump was weirdly pro vaccination for a while.
Nah, it wasn't weird, he wanted to take credit for the vaccine but didn't understand his base hated it.
[deleted] t1_j91vxw6 wrote
Ashkir t1_j91xg5k wrote
A lot of these GOP media strongholds have vaccine mandates as well.
[deleted] t1_j91xney wrote
[deleted] t1_j91xrzy wrote
[deleted] t1_j91z2rw wrote
Nugur t1_j91z4z9 wrote
He did, that’s why he went to Florida
Enlightened-Beaver t1_j91z6f7 wrote
Wait, and he didn’t turn into a crocodile?????
jimbolikescr t1_j922mjt wrote
Maybe it was just the records of a "shot" so he could travel etc.
DeMalgamnated t1_j922q9o wrote
pretty sure you will find out of lots of loons who act like they know better still got vaxed.
even that dipshit tennis player. no way he survived this long and didn't die.
unless he's a fucking vampire.
[deleted] t1_j924zvv wrote
[deleted] t1_j9264na wrote
Witchgrass t1_j926822 wrote
I bet that guy is super into desantis now
Witchgrass t1_j926gif wrote
> Just because you’re placed in top of the elephant doesn’t mean you’re in charge of the elephant.
I love this
CustomerComplaintDep t1_j929uy1 wrote
>even that dipshit tennis player. no way he survived this long and didn't die.
...The death rate was not 100% before vaccines.
[deleted] t1_j92a5kh wrote
BarryAllen85 t1_j92aj3q wrote
Of course he did. None of these clowns actually believe what they’re saying.
Isocratia t1_j92arsp wrote
Then he's been an alligator this whole time!
Ipokeyoumuch t1_j92b5nj wrote
Fox News mandated that everyone working under them get the vaccine.
breadexpert69 t1_j92c6tf wrote
All the anti vax politicians know it works.
The thing is their voters dont want to hear that. They just need to keep lying to their voters if they want to keep working.
macweirdo42 t1_j92cboo wrote
Please don't tell me anyone actually believed he was unvaccinated! What a stupid lie, we know all these chuckleheads get the shot themselves before railing against it.
macweirdo42 t1_j92cwv5 wrote
Mostly because he had already convinced his base that it was a Democrat hoax. He thought he could have it both ways, "Liberals made up a fake disease," and "Trump defeated the fake liberal disease." Even his own base couldn't follow that insanity.
Ryllandaras t1_j92gc6i wrote
I don't think he was worried about his base dying - he wanted to claim credit for Operation Warpspeed (the expedited development and rollout of the vaccines), with the usual "They said it would take 5 years, 10 years / it couldn't be done, but Trump did it in one!!!!" routine. He "deserves" some credit for doing a good thing (but certainly not the lion's share that he wants to claim, as usual).
dicklord_airplane t1_j92hepk wrote
Anybody that travels internationally already got vaccinated. Almost every country in the world already requires covid19 vaccination to enter, including the US and Canada.
[deleted] t1_j92k12f wrote
[deleted] t1_j92kz0o wrote
ZombieZookeeper t1_j92nj2c wrote
Did he turn into a caiman?
[deleted] t1_j92nqag wrote
[deleted] t1_j92oxxp wrote
[deleted] t1_j92pjpn wrote
ShaMana999 t1_j92s3fs wrote
Some of the least shocking things in the world - water wet, fire hot, public vaccine denialist vaccinated.
[deleted] t1_j92w0lr wrote
[deleted] t1_j92w69v wrote
Impressive-Potato t1_j9325ib wrote
It's not weird. He's taking credit for operation warp speed.
[deleted] t1_j934sjb wrote
hectoByte t1_j936q5u wrote
I assume all far-right leaders have done this. I found it really funny that Canada's far-right party leader was traveling across the country and giving speeches about how vaccines are bad despite the fact that the provinces were under lock down and he would have had a hell of a time crossing through them if he was unvaccinated.
TogepiMain t1_j939zn4 wrote
But why? The people who wanted the vaccine wouldn't even put his name on it, and the people who hate it are the only ones who would spout that praise.
LasVegas4590 t1_j93ae2n wrote
>Trump was weirdly pro vaccination for a while
The reason that he was pro-vax is that "Project Lightspeed" was the only thing his administration got right. Otherwise he'd be just as bad as Hannity, Carlson and Ingraham
LasVegas4590 t1_j93amot wrote
>Just because you're placed in top of the elephant doesn't mean you're in charge of the elephant.
I like, thinking about stealing it.
blankyblankblank1 t1_j93b0qv wrote
You mean that anti-vaxxer sentiments are just another talking point to unify their moronic base? You don't say.
mrIronHat t1_j93nqlx wrote
Never take what you peddle
Rocketman7171 t1_j93paj9 wrote
Do as i say, not as i do.
[deleted] t1_j93q77w wrote
jigokubi t1_j93q8jr wrote
This was the exact moment when the huge trump flag finally went down in my neighborhood, too.
jigokubi t1_j93ropl wrote
Remember antivaxxers saying the vaccine was rushed, and some of them even suggesting Biden was getting money for it?
Well, Trump literally rushed the vaccine's approval, and Pfizer was a donor to Trump.
Republicans wanted to keep making money, so they didn't want to shut down, and so they convinced their base that Covid wasn't serious. But when the vaccine was developed that could help get thing back to normal, said base had by that point decided any precaution against Covid was bad.
[deleted] t1_j93t6pg wrote
Trix_Are_4_90Kids t1_j945l8z wrote
Of course he did. He's a hypocrite.
RatDontPanic t1_j94w1x7 wrote
Don't get high off your own supply!
Educational_Permit38 t1_j951pag wrote
Of course he did. Like Fox propaganda he spouts BS while protecting himself. It’s almost like the sociopaths have been reproducing like fungus.
[deleted] t1_j95cgt5 wrote
artisanrox t1_j97rstz wrote
Of's the everyday racist dumbshhhts that didn't get it and are killing themselves off.
WRAHarri t1_j90qeeg wrote
How very dare he. Give that back