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Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j82ih0v wrote

Non-corrupt (or at the very least less corrupt) leader takes office and makes decisions genuinely beneficial for something BESIDES their own wallet… a most certainly welcomed sight in these trying times


Rentlar t1_j82in67 wrote

A government that's actually committed to protecting their environment? That's a breath of fresh air.


InternetPeon t1_j82j1sg wrote

“Let’s not actively burn everything down as fast as we can” - new Brazilian administration.


BazilBroketail t1_j82lxtq wrote

Ain't he in Florida?

Makes sense...



Isocratia t1_j82p6fg wrote

Remember that the previous president caused Mordor skies due to wildfires in the Amazon after he told his rancher supporters to go in and burn more trees.


TronOld_Dumps t1_j83e7hi wrote

I assume this headline doesn't mean like more forests fall


TheDoctorAtReddit t1_j83l486 wrote

Great, but we need decades of protecting the Amazon before we can see anything similar to “Reforestation”


klem19 t1_j83lsru wrote

Is that what was a prison for corrupt? Oh God poor Brazilians.


420trashcan t1_j83moqz wrote

That's great. Wish he was different with regard to Ukraine though.


FromMiami33133 t1_j83nh2r wrote

Please don’t give Lula credit. Let’s just remember that his party was in power for 16 of the past 20 years and in those 16 years there has been plenty of deforestation of the Amazon.

There are no Saint in this. From politicians, to farmers , to consumers in Europe and North America . Every one is green , but every one also want some Brazilian Hard Wood for their decks and cheap meat for food . Meat needs grains and grains need more and more land to be produced.


SunnySaigon t1_j83oy9v wrote

If the Amazon goes, we all go…. Soybeans aren’t worth it


gentlepornstar t1_j84213c wrote

Thank God. Right wing extremism takes yet another phat L.


klem19 t1_j846z75 wrote

yes, Lula is the one who took taxpayers' money to make bribes all over South America. Founder of the Forum of Sao Paolo, an organization created to commit crimes.


klem19 t1_j846zzw wrote

yes, Lula is the one who took taxpayers' money to make bribes all over South America. Founder of the Forum of Sao Paolo, an organization created to commit crimes.


klem19 t1_j8474q0 wrote

yes, Lula is the one who took taxpayers' money to make bribes all over South America. Founder of the Forum of Sao Paolo, an organization created to commit crimes. Ok


klem19 t1_j8479pc wrote

yes, Lula is the one who took taxpayers' money to make bribes all over South America. Founder of the Forum of Sao Paolo, an organization created to commit crimes.


klem19 t1_j848a7i wrote

yes, Lula is the one who took taxpayers' money to make bribes all over South America. Founder of the Forum of Sao Paolo, an organization created to commit crimes.


slappymcstevenson t1_j84bsvk wrote

That and the coral reefs are kind of important to our survival. So thanks.


slappymcstevenson t1_j84btwy wrote

That and the coral reefs are kind of important to our survival. So thanks.


ElegantTobacco t1_j84hpi6 wrote

So many Bolsonarists seething in the comments lmao


TheAnonua t1_j84lgmk wrote

Why is this thread filled with folks spamming the same messages over and over? /u/klem19 especially?


IgDailystapler t1_j84o0eh wrote

As a person who enjoys breathing oxygen, I’m hyped


Fiery_Hand t1_j84rxlv wrote

At one day deforstation of Amazon will fall to 0%, because there will be nothing else to save.

Percentage statistic isn't really saying anything here.


enzovrlrd t1_j854ku9 wrote

For the sake of clarity, the Amazon is absolutely terrible as soybean production farming goes due to a long number of reasons. The illegal activities done there are mostly logging, mining and cattle, all without the proper licenses and even done by big American/Canadian companies. The campaign trying to pretend Brazilian soybean comes from deforested Amazon is just propaganda, even the buyers know this and validate purchases before so that the sources follow the law.


enzovrlrd t1_j8556zj wrote

Not really; the forest can recover pretty quickly if we just leave it be. My mom did an internship monitoring tree development in recovering areas and the description of the mutations of the forest, regardless of deforestation, are very interesting. If you leave a plain field just beside a tropical forest alone for 2 years you will barely recognize the line showing the difference; it's one of the reasons tropical forests survive. They need their own recycling process of organic mass to compensate the poor soil, consequence of the very frequent raining that washes down whatever it finds. It's a balanced environment, another reason we shouldn't interfere


IgDailystapler t1_j855hlo wrote

The algae does do a lot of the heavy lifting, but the Amazon does pump out a pretty good amount of oxygen (it also has some incredible flora and fauna, yet another reason why it should be protected)


enzovrlrd t1_j856oct wrote

Not disagreeing with you there, just stating that we ought not to forget what good means. Bolsonaro is a stupid jerk and it's great he lost but we still need to be on top of what Lula is doing so that we don't risk facing the big scandals of the past. It's the only way we can push things to be better


IgDailystapler t1_j8571k5 wrote

This is true, you’re right (I was mainly saying that it does produce oxygen, not that it really goes anywhere, which I’ll admit does sound a bit misleading now that I look back on it). If I remember correctly, it’s actually emitting more carbon dioxide than it absorbs atm…which is quite annoying considering most of that carbon is coming from the people who keep lighting it on fire to make room for farms.


TheDoctorAtReddit t1_j85f3i9 wrote

Yes, the forest recovers pretty quickly if we let him be, but the forest that was devastated in 10 seconds took centuries to get there. A tree needs at least 10 years of growth to become “adult”. So yeah, a couple years is a long time but let’s not neglect the fact that what was destroyed was the result of centuries of the forest just being.