Submitted by XaltotunTheUndead t3_10tkttj in news
Hav3_Y0u_M3t_T3d t1_j77c0is wrote
Oh no the consequences of our actions, they're here again
momentum77 t1_j77e7dj wrote
Love watching a world spanning empire get reduced to a paltry 3rd world country within my lifetime.
[deleted] t1_j77f7f4 wrote
popecorkyxxiv t1_j77f8nv wrote
No no no, that's not how conservative politics work. Anything bad that happens has nothing whatsoever to do with their actions but are the direct result of some political belief of the other side. Example, hurricanes are not caused by climate change, it's because God is angry at gay marriage.
ahothabeth t1_j77gjzl wrote
but we finally have control to screw ourselves over and over and over and over and over and over again now
[deleted] t1_j77gkvp wrote
therationalists t1_j77gzy4 wrote
I put my toddler in charge of my mortgage. Why are we homeless!?!?!
[deleted] t1_j77hs5g wrote
[deleted] t1_j77ldr7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j77o3wp wrote
Hattix t1_j77tt6v wrote
Another Brexit Benefit(tm). We're no longer squandering cash on advancement and development which could be better used to give tax breaks to bankers.
BarCompetitive7220 t1_j77vmjm wrote
Once again those damn unintended consequences of Brexit come to bite not just the middle / lower class, it bites UP and is causes a brain drain of the top tier research academics - which will have a long term effect. There will be no role models for young students to admire and strive to model.
notqualitystreet t1_j77xk5y wrote
It’s only funny because they chose to do this part to themselves
[deleted] t1_j77xqao wrote
shogun100100 t1_j77xxzj wrote
The whole situation would quite frankly be hilarious if I wasnt living on the same island as these idiots.
SatanicNotMessianic t1_j77ygkb wrote
The xenophobia leading up to the vote is what makes it funny.
Mr_Oujamaflip t1_j77yslj wrote
The benefits may be the total collapse of the conservative party.
LostThyme t1_j781ejj wrote
Sowing: This is awesome!
Reaping: Hey, what the fuck!?!
soboguedout t1_j78224w wrote
"It's all because of the remoaners."
[deleted] t1_j784r6o wrote
Blenderx06 t1_j7850v0 wrote
52% did anyway.
Zozorrr t1_j785r5c wrote
I don’t think you’ve been to any 3rd world country have you ?
2ndtryagain t1_j788zcp wrote
r/BrexitAteMyFace may never runs out of material.
[deleted] t1_j78dh3f wrote
macross1984 t1_j78e6am wrote
Britain is reaping the benefit of Brexit but unfortunately, not the way they expected.
[deleted] t1_j78g0oe wrote
Keylime29 t1_j78i37j wrote
Helped along with same foreign/rich assholes propaganda that is working on destroying the USA
[deleted] t1_j78ian9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j78iqd3 wrote
tom90640 t1_j78k2o1 wrote
> world spanning empire get reduced to a paltry 3rd world country within my lifetime
They were so tough that no one else could it.
Rikey_Doodle t1_j78kqnm wrote
First time seeing hyperbole?
james_hamilton1234 t1_j78mcgf wrote
The idiots who pushed it through are the ones surprised, everyone managed to figure out that it wouldn't be great
Riftreaper t1_j78nw8r wrote
Let's start a Brexin movement
PositionParticular99 t1_j78rzzr wrote
So closing the border caused goods and services to stop flowing, who would have guessed.
PositionParticular99 t1_j78s3d1 wrote
Yes, several.
[deleted] t1_j78sp0g wrote
soldforaspaceship t1_j78stli wrote
Clearly it's because Brexit didn't go far enough. If it had been a full Brexit then we'd have had millions, dare I say billions for research funding.
(/s in case I wasn't clear)
Haagen76 t1_j78ywam wrote
TBF, I think they (conservatives) may be happy with this?
[deleted] t1_j793pao wrote
[deleted] t1_j7952r7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j79a0zf wrote
[deleted] t1_j79bgqa wrote
MansfromDaVinci t1_j79f5uj wrote
52% of voters who bothered to vote, about 38% of eligible voters, 27% of the population.
MillyBDilly t1_j79f6cf wrote
Ys, definitely better than lifting other people up, drag them down. Genius.
MansfromDaVinci t1_j79g980 wrote
This is more that there are pan European funding institutions for reasearch which were quite beneficial for the UK and leaving the EU cut them off. Various pro-leave politicians made promises to match the funding, which nobody in their right mind believed, hey ho. Academics and researchers generally did not vote leave and the ones who could have been quietly leaving the Uk since 2016.
cmVkZGl0 t1_j79m7ly wrote
They wanted to be like America and now they are getting their wish.
EmbarrassedHelp t1_j79rp0i wrote
But the older UK voters are still going to keep reelecting them until they die out.
[deleted] t1_j79s6jn wrote
jamar030303 t1_j7a0icv wrote
The US essentially has a trade bloc equivalent to Europe contained entirely within its borders. Thus, it doesn't necessarily need an economic union with other countries. The UK does not.
JBreezy11 t1_j7a0jew wrote
Can someone provide us non-Britons the pro-arguments of Brexit again???
[deleted] t1_j7a7xvy wrote
Correct_Millennial t1_j7a802u wrote
Th party of personal responsibility, ladies and gentlemen....
[deleted] t1_j7a80wy wrote
LordWilburFussypants t1_j7abixk wrote
Blue passports.
[deleted] t1_j7ali7k wrote
[deleted] t1_j7alm1h wrote
sf-keto t1_j7alwwo wrote
Bankers & the 0.5% will pay less tax.
sf-keto t1_j7am4yi wrote
As someone who's lived in Germany for the last 7 years & come to the UK this semester, please let me inform you that hell will freeze over before Germans want you back. They've moved on from what they now perceive to have been a toxic & unreliable relationship.
Sorry. Maybe they'll mellow in the 2030s. (◕‿◕✿)
Blofish1 t1_j7ars8c wrote
IIRC, Conservatives claimed that leaving the EU would save Britons millions of pounds a day which they claimed the UK was using to subsidize those lazy Europeans. Apparently their calculations were off (aka lying) which is shocking because they had full support from Fox News.
[deleted] t1_j7aw8dc wrote
[deleted] t1_j7axgyv wrote
Skahzzz t1_j7b2u45 wrote
And the requirements for re-entry would be... Unacceptable from the UK's perspective. Forget keeping your own independent currency, and most of the exceptions in trade and fishing they had before.
[deleted] t1_j7b5yh4 wrote
p001b0y t1_j7b69k3 wrote
Didn’t they drive around a bus or something showing how much money the NHS would get by leaving the EU? How did that turn out?
filutch t1_j7bamtn wrote
As they should. They sat on the head table with all privileges in the world, but still found that not enough.
justforthearticles20 t1_j7bqstf wrote
Exactly as the anti-science Conservatives intended.
BeltedCoyote1 t1_j7djrj9 wrote
Conservatism is the path to excellence. /s. But not just any sarcasm. This is the prince of all sarcasm. And it calls the earth it’s home!
raistlin65 t1_j7dmgmr wrote
That's okay. We got a bunch of idiots over here in the US who don't want to raise our debt ceiling. Which would be at least as stupid as Brexit.
M3wlion t1_j7m77rb wrote
There will be role models. They just won’t be good ones
momentum77 t1_j7rhdlt wrote
I was born in one. Yall on the way there.
momentum77 t1_j7rhnbv wrote
As is the case with powerful nations, their downfall is from internal BS.
NoChance182 t1_j778w0i wrote
I’d say Brexit is going rather well, the benefits haven’t shown up yet, but we finally have control to screw ourselves over now