flaccidcolon t1_j9ucliu wrote
Reply to comment by Standardeviation2 in Suspect arrested in 2001 killing of a pregnant soldier at a former U.S. Army base in Germany by StevenSanders90210
Pregnancy is the most dangerous time for a woman to be murdered by her partner/baby daddy. :(
GoldGlitters t1_j9v5rc1 wrote
The leading cause of death for pregnant women in the US is homicide.
ETA: The Harvard article is misleading, turns out the #1 cause of death is suicide, followed by homicide at #2, and medical complications (you know, the thing we all assumed was the primary cause of death) is at #3. Both victim types are statistically more likely to deal with significant domestic violence at home, so it's still a major factor whether the woman decides to take her life first versus a partner doing it for them. Original study is here
DoomSongOnRepeat t1_j9vpctq wrote
From the study cited:
>Results: Of 38,417 female victims aged 15-44 years identified in the data set, 10,411 had known pregnancy status; 1,300 of those deaths were pregnancy associated. Of all deaths with known pregnancy status, 3,203 were by homicide (30.8%) and 7,208 (69.2%) were by suicide.
kittyinasweater t1_j9vs2tb wrote
So the leading cause of death for pregnant women is suicide, not homicide? Equally sad imo.
HereIGoAgain_1x10 t1_j9x1qex wrote
Wonder how much of that is baseline mental health issues vs pregnancy related hormonal/brain chemistry changes vs family/society pressure about the pregnancy and the idea that they can't live with the "shame" or whatever of being pregnant. How fucking awful of a problem to think about and attempt to solve.
OccamsSchickQuattro t1_j9ydjfo wrote
My wife dealt with some depression during pregnancy and had to be given medication… she does not battle mental health issues at all when not pregnant. The hormonal changes make them go whack on a lot of weird things. My wife will not eat pickles ever… unless pregnant. She had to change her toothpaste for the time being.
There’s so much shit women go through in pregnancy that you cannot understand until you watch your partner go through it. And even then you only understand it on the most basic sympathetic level. You still can’t fully comprehend the idea of your brain and attitude literally changing because of a normal bodily function.
flaccidcolon t1_j9w3v8l wrote
Oh wow, I am wrong. Idk which statistic is worse. :'(
[deleted] t1_j9x57y5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vwhr1 wrote
dragonsmilkbeer t1_j9vx51r wrote
No idea why you're so upset that your info was corrected. Kind of strange for you to get so defensive.
GoldGlitters t1_j9vymgc wrote
Deleted my comment because I realize I don't fully know what the "1300 deaths are pregnancy related" comment is, because I added up the deaths from suicide and homicide and it landed at 10,411 without the 1,300, so the math doesn't make sense to me.
I'm irritated because you seem to be more interested in going "well actually" with no understanding that these are human beings, not just statistics. You went out of your way to prove it's "technically" incorrect and tbh, without any context on your POV it just seems like you wanted to invalidate the problem of homicide by proving that suicide is actually a worse issue
dragonsmilkbeer t1_j9wbwhi wrote
You don't even know who you're replying to. I didn't write that comment. I think you're projecting HEAVILY onto what they said, and "these are human beings, not just statistics" is pure platitude nonsense. Grow up.
GoldGlitters t1_j9wbza3 wrote
You’re right, you’re not the OP. You’re worse, lmao
Knull_Gorr t1_j9wcma6 wrote
I've got no skin in this game and honestly I don't give a shit. But "you're not the OP. You're worse" is the most comically immature thing I've read in a long time.
[deleted] t1_j9whu1u wrote
dragonsmilkbeer t1_j9wg7uc wrote
Telling me I'm worse at enabling you to defend misinformation is a compliment. Thank you.
GoldGlitters t1_j9wht6h wrote
I literally corrected the article in my comment, what the hell is wrong with you
DoomSongOnRepeat t1_j9yxcqe wrote
What you said wasn't just "technically" incorrect, it was demonstrably false.
It's not going out of one's way to read the study cited in the source you posted. That's the whole reason the study is linked, so that it can be read.
You were fine with the article using statistics when you thought it supported you, so how am I supposedly the one reducing women to statistics for simply quoting part of the study to clear up misinformation you posted?
DemonSemenVaccine t1_j9xgr6d wrote
There have been additional studies done that stretch the time frame of starting as soon as known pregnant to a year after birth. In those studies the #1 is homicide. Women are still very vulnerable after giving birth, plus all the additional stressors. Louisiana did a study for sure, since they have a very high number of maternal/fetal mortalities.
DoomSongOnRepeat t1_j9yue0y wrote
That's the same time frame as the linked study. There have been exactly 0 studies which point to homicide being #1. If there were, they would have been linked when it was pointed out that the study cited in this thread shows suicide as being the #1 cause by a long shot. You could search all day to find a source which supports your assertion, but all you'll find are articles that are misleading at best.
DemonSemenVaccine t1_j9z7jel wrote
You can download the PAMR study at the bottom of the link. From 2017-2019 in Louisiana #1 cause was accidental overdose. Then it was homicide. I wasn't looking at articles, I was looking at actual data that the hospital reports to the state of Louisiana. I currently work and have worked in hospitals in Louisiana and closely with the state. The data from 2020-current does support the statement I made.
DoomSongOnRepeat t1_j9z9nr6 wrote
Those reports don't support your claim either. I guess you assumed I wouldn't bother even reading the relevant sections...
[deleted] t1_j9vqgxc wrote
[deleted] t1_j9w71q6 wrote
bugsyramone t1_j9wcnwy wrote
Your username makes me uncomfortable
flaccidcolon t1_j9wcuej wrote
It makes me uncomfortable too.
[deleted] t1_j9w3o21 wrote
Kevo_NEOhio t1_j9v3azf wrote
Why is that though?
ReachingHigher85 t1_j9vbb9t wrote
I’ll take “men who don’t want to wear condoms but who also don’t want to be fathers OR held financially responsible for their offspring” for 400, Alex.
sb_747 t1_j9wct98 wrote
Generally that’s just not true.
It’s dudes who are already abusive continuing to be abusive.
While pregnant women are less able to defend themselves, less able to run away, and have a greater chance of severe and potential injury.
The pregnancy plays more of a role in the abusive partner feeling the woman is being lazy for not doing the same tasks as quickly and increasing the frequency and severity of abuse as a result.
AnBearna t1_j9vvc58 wrote
And you’d be dead wrong.
It suicide in nearly 70% of cases. Check the statistics in the post above the one you just replied to.
We all seem to want the answer to be ‘it’s violent men’ which is sad because it shows how well we are all getting conditioned into thinking that shit. I mean, that’s where my head went first so I’m criticising myself as much as anyone.
ThatDerp1 t1_j9w1w0s wrote
…but 30 percent were still homicide, most by partners.
And abuse by the partner is pretty common among suicidal pregnant women, and is a common correlation if not cause.
ThrowawayYYZ0137 t1_j9vc33a wrote
There's something about possessive controlling men that feel they can do anything they want with a woman once they've put a baby in her, as if they've now taken or claimed her agency and she no longer has any of her own.
NervousSorbet t1_j9w3gwd wrote
I wonder why they feel that way when that was how it legally went for so long.
Patsfan618 t1_j9vkcky wrote
Men not wanting to be responsible for their part in making a woman pregnant see violence as a way of getting out of that responsibility. In civilian life, they tend to just run away, whatever that may mean. In the military, running away is a jail-able offense, making violence an even more likely option.
It is even more likely if the relationship was unlawful in the first place. In the military there are rules on who can be in a relationship with who, depending on rank primarily. Officers cannot have relations with enlisted and non-commissioned officer (sergeants and above) cannot have relations with lower enlisted. This is because the military understands the unfair power dynamics created by a rank based hierarchy (even if sometimes they chose to ignore these rules for higher ranking soldiers).
A pregnant soldier is extremely vulnerable to domestic violence and it keeps a lot of women from wanting to join the military, and understandably so.
flaccidcolon t1_j9v3h9i wrote
I dont know, it's just a very sad statistic.
Kevo_NEOhio t1_j9v5c73 wrote
True. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole but doesn’t really indicate why a woman would be more likely to be killed in a domestic violence situation of when she is pregnant or not pregnant. It does mention that not having access to proper reproductive healthcare can lead to more risk.
greenwarr t1_j9wat1b wrote
I’m confused. Stats cited here are about causes of death for pregnant women. Did I miss where it compared likelihood of a pregnant women getting murdered to that of a women who is not pregnant?
And lack of reproductive healthcare leads to more risk of what, getting murdered?
[deleted] t1_j9v8x70 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vv8c5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vjfgs wrote
Why downvote his comment. It's genuine question reddit
AnBearna t1_j9vvr3g wrote
Because it doesn’t mash with the sub’s preconceived notions about all men being violent assholes.
Starlightriddlex t1_j9w8dj0 wrote
No one sane is saying all men are violent assholes. The problem is that the majority of "homicidal" violent assholes happen to be exclusively men. The second leading cause of death for men expecting children is not murder by pregnant wife.
The message should not be "all men are bad" that's ridiculous. Our society has a cultural problem causing these crimes and we need to address it.
[deleted] t1_j9v3s58 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9v4ghg wrote
VentusHermetis t1_j9vpzjo wrote
Pregnant women are usually young and frequently visiting a doctor. That disconfirms a lot of potential causes of death
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