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ReachingHigher85 t1_j9vbb9t wrote

I’ll take “men who don’t want to wear condoms but who also don’t want to be fathers OR held financially responsible for their offspring” for 400, Alex.


sb_747 t1_j9wct98 wrote

Generally that’s just not true.

It’s dudes who are already abusive continuing to be abusive.

While pregnant women are less able to defend themselves, less able to run away, and have a greater chance of severe and potential injury.

The pregnancy plays more of a role in the abusive partner feeling the woman is being lazy for not doing the same tasks as quickly and increasing the frequency and severity of abuse as a result.


AnBearna t1_j9vvc58 wrote

And you’d be dead wrong.

It suicide in nearly 70% of cases. Check the statistics in the post above the one you just replied to.

We all seem to want the answer to be ‘it’s violent men’ which is sad because it shows how well we are all getting conditioned into thinking that shit. I mean, that’s where my head went first so I’m criticising myself as much as anyone.


ThatDerp1 t1_j9w1w0s wrote

…but 30 percent were still homicide, most by partners.

And abuse by the partner is pretty common among suicidal pregnant women, and is a common correlation if not cause.