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riding_tides t1_j9vujqf wrote

Will he be tried in military court since he was in the army then? Will Germany also request for him to be extradited since the crime was on German soil? Genuinely curious.

Though, that scum deserves to rot in a US prison than the much better German prisons -- German prisons focus on rehabilitation and are more humane.


greenwarr t1_j9wc28s wrote

US courts probably couldn’t get a conviction, military courts don’t care about the plight of women service members. Let him spend the rest of his life in a cell in Germany.

We need to disconnect forcing suffering upon the convicted from bringing them to justice.


stlredditblues t1_j9xkvj1 wrote

Considering that Status Of Forces Agreement (SOFA) usually means that Service Members stationed in Germany would still fall under UCMJ rules, when crimes are committed, this guy wouldn’t be extradited, nor would the Germans seek extradition. If the victim was German, then maybe they would.


greenwarr t1_j9z9qk1 wrote

Get outta here with your logic! No place for that in speculation Reddit.

Aside used to enjoy the Blue notes. I have fond memories of my first NHL game, Blues v Rangers in the Garden. Wasn’t my Stars, but worth it.


Ynwe t1_j9xashr wrote

We rarely do life sentences here in Germany. Good chance he will be out in around 15 years or so if he is out in prison here.


greenwarr t1_j9za4uk wrote

Interesting. Now I’m curious what sentences for murderers of pregnant young women would get across the planet now. Of course, I think punishment is known as not an effective deterrent. At least not for those convicted of crimes, it’s not.