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Duluh_Iahs t1_j8v9b6n wrote

Please for the love of fucking christ just disappear


Dingusssssssssss t1_j8vasci wrote

But the think of the grifting she has been able to do. Candidates shouldn’t be allowed to keep the left over money from their campaigns. It should be turned over to their party, or split between the states school districts.


VorAbaddon t1_j8vihpw wrote

Shes already appealing to the Supremes. The grift continues


VagrantShadow t1_j8w1gta wrote

Shes like that determined roach that does not want to leave and does not want to stop pestering everyone in the home


MinuteLow7426 t1_j8xa4v6 wrote

It’s her faith in Christ that keeps her here sadly. When you base your life on a book that allows you to interpret anything the way you want, and the voice in your head is a direct communication with God, you struggle with reality when it goes against you.


4myoldGaffer t1_j8vbxi6 wrote

Why her face look like skeletor?

Remeber the he man with dolph lundren?


Witchgrass t1_j8yg35b wrote

I had already forgotten that I donated to her opposition when she was running if that makes you feel better