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MeatsimPD t1_j9hrgiy wrote

>Miller has not been charged with a crime

Of course, he was a responsible gun owner after all


Waste-Worth-1047 t1_j9hrwym wrote

Doesn't sound like there's anything illegal about that in Alabama with their lax gun laws. Maybe Miller should have asked his friend if he's a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun before handing it over.


tkflash20 t1_j9hs253 wrote

Provided the gun AND allegedly blocked the victim in with his car.


MeatsimPD t1_j9itmvj wrote

Exactly and it's not like I should face consequences for what anyone else does with my gun that I just handed them without knowing what they were gonna do with it. I mean gun sellers do it all the time what's the problem


tpc143 t1_j9jk8ow wrote

What a dumbass. He’s projected to be a top pick in the draft.


JPBillingsgate t1_j9kb9to wrote

Alabama does indeed have lax gun laws, but I don't think those laws had anything to do with this. Owning a handgun is perfectly legal in every state. All Miller is known to have done is receive texts from Miles asking him to bring his (Miles) gun to him. Miles then provided that gun to the other guy, who committed the murder. Without being able to prove that Miller knew that the handgun would be used for a murder, there really isn't anything that would be a crime in Alabama or any other state unless Miller himself had a criminal history that prohibited his possessing a handgun, even briefly.

I do suppose that some states have different laws as to what age you have to be to even possess a handgun (as Miller did have sole possession of a handgun at least for the time it took to retrieve it and deliver it). In Alabama, the age is 19. He might have been legally too young to deliver the handgun in some other states, admittedly.