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Justforthenuews t1_j9m9bl2 wrote

Wtf you talking about? It’s absolutely there, just set it up that they are saying and/or doing antiwar stuff and they’ll fall from a window in no time.


deftoner42 t1_j9mc4a9 wrote

Problems with your neighbor? Send them to die on the front with this one easy trick!


funkboxing t1_j9mad9h wrote

A Russian could fake being an informant but then they're on the same authoritarian radar as the people they're fake informing on. You can't just anonymously dial it up like in the US.


Justforthenuews t1_j9mavfc wrote

I was just making a joke, but realistically, a good hacker should be able to leave evidence to be found by the right people without setting off any alarms in the process. Hell, do enough of them, you probably don’t even have to be great, cause you’ll send the systems they have set up to investigate into overload.


funkboxing t1_j9mcdbh wrote

Sure, but that would require some pretty specific and sophisticated espionage per instance in Russia.

In the US gamers can just randomly buy swatting services against strangers with no more than a target address.


Justforthenuews t1_j9mw9xu wrote

At the cost of a high probability of going to jail for a non-guaranteed kill. If you look up swatting cases, most end up without a death and with the people who called it in behind bars. It’s not nearly as reliable as you seem to believe it is because of the big cases that did go wrong all the way through.


funkboxing t1_j9mynj6 wrote

k. So now you're stuck defending the idea that there's a legitimate Russian analogy to the very American phenomenon of 'swatting'... Please elaborate on that with examples.


Justforthenuews t1_j9mz75c wrote


A) this is an article about hacking, were you brought swatting into it, not the other way around, I have nothing that I have to defend.

B) I’m not stuck doing anything, I could just as easily not give a fuck and say nothing, which is just one of a dozen variations of how I can reach a point of not being stuck defending anything. 🤷‍♂️


funkboxing t1_j9mzh0l wrote

Cool, glad you finally realized there's no Russian analogy to US swatting.


Justforthenuews t1_j9n8hdz wrote

Either you’re right and brought up swatting when it was irrelevant, or you’re wrong. Take your pick dear


funkboxing t1_j9n97os wrote

Right and relevant enough to inspire your 'joke' reply.


Justforthenuews t1_j9nj3q4 wrote

Here, have another opportunity for you to feel smart and “get the last one in”