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_synik t1_j9ggr0d wrote

Burning a flag on the ground is free speech. Lighting one afire on a building is a crime.


InSanic13 t1_j9givq7 wrote

Also destruction of someone else's property. Gotta buy your own flag to burn.


A_Flamboyant_Warlock t1_j9kq2l4 wrote

Can confirm - Burn all the flags you want, just know that each one gives the people you hate 10$.


MausBomb t1_j9hmo6w wrote

This is something the negative activists across the political spectrum need to understand

If you set fire to your own car, film it and post it to YouTube to protest climate change you are perfectly within your rights.

Setting fire to other people's cars is going to get you arrested and rightfully so.

If she bought her own flag, set fire to it, and posted it on YouTube she would be perfectly within her rights and the government couldn't do anything about it.

However setting fire to someone else's flag that is attached to a building is arson and potentially attempted murder.


[deleted] t1_j9gpwed wrote



Megaloman71 t1_j9gtj2m wrote

"Hate crime" is an enhancement on top of a regular crime that's triggered when an entire class of people are targeted instead of exclusively an individual.


Luciusvenator t1_j9gyg89 wrote

Or when an individual is targeted because of their belonging to a protected class of course.


axonxorz t1_j9gr7xj wrote

The only one where it could (not "is") be a hate crime, is the case where it's...a crime.