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mentalxkp t1_j9fj89z wrote

4x10 sucks if you have kids, and not just the daycare part. You don't really get to see them during the week. You're 5th day, they're in school. It's great for childless people. Really expands how much you can travel. But mandatory 10 hour days really wear you down.


8-Brit t1_j9fma4e wrote

Fortunately in this trial it was 4x8 still with no pay reduction


ScientificSkepticism t1_j9fotwi wrote

While the study was 4x8, let me just add how awesome 4x10 is with work from home.

Roll out of bed at 6:30, take a shower, put on a t-shirt and jeans, at work by 7. Maybe put on a button down if I have a client call. Start dinner at 4:00. Get it in oven, go work some. Dinner done at 5. Answer emails while hanging out with family/friends.

Goddamn I'd rather do 10 hours of work that way than 8 hours of work where I dressed up and spent 45 minutes commuting each way.


424f42_424f42 t1_j9hyl1j wrote

No day care in my area supports a parent working a 10 hour day