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midnitezenki85 t1_j9gxc2b wrote

Plenty of companies already do this. I’m mom-thur, 10hrs a day. Love my 3 day weekends.


[deleted] t1_j9h5une wrote



midnitezenki85 t1_j9hcndv wrote

Pass. With 3day weekends you can stack along side your pto. Making it in the middle would make things messy. Holidays that fall on Mondays are gold, taking one day of pto nets you 5 days off.


[deleted] t1_j9hd67x wrote



midnitezenki85 t1_j9hge4p wrote

If it’s a Wednesday I’d have to put in for TWO days of pto for 5 consecutive days off during a Monday holiday. I’m sorry you have such difficulties working 4 days in a row but most people don’t. And I work night shift so I can run my errands any day of the week I want. Why would you have to wait 3 days? Last I checked Friday is normal business day. So if you have a service conducted on Thursday afternoon why can’t it continue on a Friday? Retail and customer service might give in to 4/10s but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to have multiple shifts. We have day and night shifts here plus 3/10s (which DOES pay all 40hrs) Fri-sun, day and night so the site is never closed.


[deleted] t1_j9hjbvh wrote



midnitezenki85 t1_j9hlgf2 wrote

I’m sorry I like taking vacations?? Sound like you’re soft, honestly.

I’m not saying I want it, I’m saying I HAVE it. And I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say, just because we all have 4/10s doesn’t mean businesses are going to fully close the other 3 days. Like my example, my company is open 24/7 by have DIFFERENT SHIFTS. You really think retail, doctors, fast food, etc are just going to close for 3 whole days?