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m_nels t1_j9843ng wrote

Country is on the verge of mass famine, great work on the weapons program though Kim.


Picture-unrelated OP t1_j98hs0t wrote

It’s really sad seeing resources allocated in the worst way possible


supercyberlurker t1_j993hga wrote

It's the Standard Issue Dictator Plan

Use the country's resources to keep in power instead of helping the people.


GSBro1 t1_j9ax1j7 wrote

I don't want to give Kim Jong-un any ideas, but wouldn't treating your citizens well and keeping them happy a better way to maintain your power?


Someone160601 t1_j9b0ig5 wrote

Doesn’t really matter with such complete brainwashing they don’t know any differently


GSBro1 t1_j9b0qr7 wrote

The biggest flaw in my suggestion is assuming Kim Jong-un would make a rational decision which, ofc, is impossible for him to do.


Darzok t1_j9cjyr9 wrote

No thats the worst thing you can do if the citizens are to busy working to feed them selfs there to busy to turn on you. The second life gets better there going to have free time and see how badly there been fucked. If there not half starved to death there going to have the energy to do more than just keep them selfs alive and think about fighting back. IF they do not fight back there far more likely to try to run away to China/SK or even hurl them selfs in to the sea and try to end up anywhere else but NK.


Sailor_Neon t1_j9au3ux wrote

Kim would not have to do such things if not for that damn Snowball


HereComeDatHue t1_j9aoljs wrote

That would be by design. A hungry population is too concerned over where their next meal is coming from as opposed to plotting a revolution.