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[deleted] t1_j7ri8jc wrote



fleurgirl123 t1_j7rwvd0 wrote

Yeah, I will confess I have never thought about this in the context of a… Super donator. I thought about that Icelandic app so that you wouldn’t date your relative, but not that. I wonder how many generations before it will be a real problem.


bigbangbilly t1_j7sf7o2 wrote

Basically Iceland with a horse healthcare infrastructure


Fuzzyphilosopher t1_j7tu9xo wrote

Y'all even have cheap healthcare for horses?!! I'm gonna get a buddy and horse suit and be right down! And don't ya dare say neigh!


bigbangbilly t1_j7uf3db wrote

I meant to say worse healthcare but the imagery of a 2 person horse goibg to a doctor is funny and sad