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[deleted] t1_j9tpu70 wrote



J_Dabson002 t1_j9tvysq wrote

Yeah crazy how different the comments are here…

Texas had power outages localized in a single city because of downed trees and this subreddit acted like the whole state was about to die.


Psyman2 t1_j9u6vx5 wrote

Which of their many, many power outages was that?

Because Texas had plenty and I can't even remember the outage that was limited to just one city.

Feels like cherrypicking one story to make a bad joke.


just_browsing96 t1_j9ubi10 wrote

The one this year that everyone who didn’t live in the state freaked out about.


NetRealizableValue t1_j9u98fp wrote

Don't you get it?

When Republican-leaning states gets hit with a natural disaster it's because they're 3rd world countries full of hicks and rednecks that deserve it.

When Democrat-leaning states get hit with a natural disaster it's because of climate change


[deleted] t1_j9ucl33 wrote



NetRealizableValue t1_j9ugkaq wrote

It's almost like every state is diverse with both conservatives and liberals and just because the guy at the top isn't on your team means the whole state deserves to burn

Identity politics are fucking up this country
