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chicken_noodle_salad t1_j7xu87e wrote

I’m sure people mean well, but this baby has a family and a history and heritage. Please consider donating resources instead.


notunek t1_j7xvxw5 wrote

That's what I decided to do instead of looking away. The news is all so heartbreaking.

I was planning to buy an area rug for my bedroom but made a donation to Doctors without Borders instead. I'm still sad but at least I did something even if it was not huge.


Blenderx06 t1_j7xym4l wrote

Doctors Without Borders is pretty much the only (international) charity I trust and will donate to without hesitation anymore. Worthy.


notunek t1_j7y0wmj wrote

Yes, and there are thousands of injured over a very wide area so I know they need doctors.