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[deleted] t1_j9yeh8i wrote



astanton1862 t1_j9yjc6j wrote

The Texas storm wasn't once in a blue moon. We had two previous freezes in the last 20 years that took down the power with state funded reports detailing the risk and what had to be done. The state did nothing because it would cost the gas companies a little money.

And then the freeze happens and half the natural gas wells froze and and those companies who failed us during the freeze lost so much money they went out of business made as much profit in one week as they normally do in two years.

So no, Reddit isn't just picking on Texas. My power went out for days and my home got down into the 40s. There is nothing quite like having to check each morning to see if my elderly parents were one of the 250 that died. And all this happened while we have been put on a payment plan to pay the profits to the companies that failed to do their job. The criticism is extremely well justified.


0b0011 t1_j9z3kfk wrote

That would be the case if reddit didn't just do the same thing last month when Texas lost power due to ice on trees. There were people in the comments claiming it happens up north but it's always on layer that day or rarely the next day.


HinduHamma t1_j9yl3cj wrote

It is well justified. Texas deserved to be shitted on for what happened.

But so does Cali for their constant wildfire failures. So does NY for their constant power outages from freezes. So do plenty of other states for their shitty failures. but Reddit will ALWAYS heavily have one sided biased front page upvoted issues.
