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billpalto t1_j863np8 wrote

The problem Trump has is that he lied deliberately to the DoJ. He even had his lawyers lie.


WalkerBRiley t1_j86ivdl wrote

So even after lying about not turning over everything and then saying 'oops here's the rest' they lied about that, too.

Why are they still free to walk around as they please, again?


johnn48 t1_j876y8c wrote

Everyone else knew they weren’t supposed to have those documents and turned them over when they were found. I simply don’t understand why he thinks he’s entitled to them. The law is crystal clear, they belong to the National Archives if not still part of Government Records.


cunt_isnt_sexist t1_j87g5oq wrote

Can't wait to see Fox spin this more. Buh buh buh Biden.

Can we hurry up and end this timeline where justice doesn't exist? It sucks.


Trimestrial t1_j87tg83 wrote

I was in the Army long enough to know that documents are over classified. And long enough to see many examples of mishandling classified documents. It happens a lot more than you think.

For me the issue is that President Trump actively fought against complying with the law.


bandit69 t1_j894bgg wrote

Oh, so now they want to portray him as cooperative. I'm pretty sure they have an electronic copy or two.


Crickson1 t1_j8dzdrf wrote

It was a folder marked “Classified Evening Summary”

He would probably leave it out for people to see so they thought he was still getting briefings. He needs people to think he is somehow still running things for the US government.