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Hopeful_Hamster21 t1_j9sil15 wrote

Yeah, the art of War really is cliffs notes about warfare.

Don't have time to get a PhD in warfare and augment that with 20 years of experience and hard learned lessons? Read these fortune cookie tidbits Instead! You'll be an expert in no time! /s

/s because The Art of War is quite excellent. And I know the "fortune cookie tidbits" might come across as racist, but that was meant not meant to mock the Chinese or Chinese Culture (fortune cookies are an Americanism anyway) , it was meant mock people who look at The Art of War as cheesy "foreigner" soundbites that can be easily disregarded (its not, thus I mock them).

My point is that, (a) despite how good the art of war is, it's meant to augment a life long learning quest on the topic, not supplant it and (b) some people do consider it cheesey, disposable, "fortune cookie" quality junk, which it certainly is not.