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burningphoenix77888 t1_ja6prvv wrote

“Nearly 90%”

Aka, not all. The West Bank should be entirely Palestinian. The “peace deals” have the most fertile land in the West Bank stolen from Palestine and would have left Palestine a dead and demilitarized husk.

If there is to be peace. It must be the pre67 borders straight up. No modifications. No “land swaps”. The pre67 borders straight up is the only fair solution


JoeShmoAfro t1_ja7ne5i wrote

So in 48 Jewish leadership accepted the partition plan and established a new state. The Palestinian leadership rejected it, and together with the neighbouring arab states waged war on the new Jewish state. The newly declared state was not defeated.

Go to 1967, and Israel wins a defensive war against its neighbouring Arab states (including the state that had control of the West Bank - Jordan). Israel wins the war, is not annihilated, and gains territory.

Basically, you think that a state that has gained territory in defensive wars, wars in which it's enemies have tried to wipe it off the map, should just give back the land it gained?

Out of interest, why didn't the Jordanians let the Palestinians establish a state in the West Bank between 48 and 67?


try_another8 t1_ja8bj0c wrote

"Hey, we tried to genocide you, but we lost. It's only fair if we get to keep everything and suffer no consequences"