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MitsyEyedMourning t1_jahqv23 wrote

DOB? Hmmm... 1944 sounds good.


Revolutionary-Yak-47 t1_jak8j0i wrote

In the 90s when yahoo chat rooms were a thing I was definately born in 1975. You clicked a box that basically said "pinkie swear you're over 18" and filled out your birthday. Cuz no teenager could do the math and make themselves 18+ lol.

But this was in the good old days before the internet GPS tracked you and you could safely lie about your location to creeps.


usrevenge t1_jakomgk wrote

I mean standard practice for a long time and even today is to claim your age is 10 years more than it really is.

Also I think people forget back then but parents told their kids never to put personal info online so why would anyone not lie about age. We used to make up names and ages for everything