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AngriestManinWestTX t1_jdn3gyk wrote

Yes, mobile homes are death traps in just about any tornado. Even the homes are either old or flimsily constructed. Increasing building codes might help, but then how would the people living there afford new homes with more stringent building codes? This part of the country is by and large, quite poor.


Clunas t1_jdncfm8 wrote

Adding on to it: that area is poor by even Mississippi standards. Standard building maintenance often straight up doesn't happen. Tarps are sometimes considered permanent roof repairs.


techleopard t1_jdnv3h7 wrote

We need a combination of both laws and grants being made available.

The federal government offers a piddly community grant that a township can apply for, but as we know, rural towns are spread out so even if they built one, it wouldn't be sufficient when it takes you 10-15 minutes to get to it on a good day.

But there is NOTHING for homeowners, which needs to change. That is where stormshelters are needed -- family sized ones at the home, where they can actually be useful.

And we need firm laws stating that every trailer park and HOA community needs a shelter within 5 minutes on foot of every home.