Submitted by Hamsternoir t3_11f8pqf in news
[deleted] t1_jai7jv9 wrote
[deleted] t1_jai7of7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jai7pp1 wrote
squarepeg0000 t1_jai7yid wrote
Giant...but they don't offer a description of their size.
Littlebotweak t1_jai827n wrote
Well, if it was going to be in the US, it was going to be in the south.
Or yellowstone, I suppose.
[deleted] t1_jai89uy wrote
[deleted] t1_jai8duu wrote
alvarezg t1_jai8g2k wrote
Lacking a banana for scale: "A giant lacewing has a wingspan of roughly 50 millimeters, which is quite large for an insect."
[deleted] t1_jai8jzg wrote
Pickle_Slinger t1_jai8khe wrote
I find it hilarious to imagine a man grabbing a big outside a Walmart and carrying it around with him while shopping.
It’s also fascinating how coincidental this was. Makes me wonder how many scientific discoveries we walk by every day, but don’t realize because we don’t all have that same knowledge to identify something as specific as this.
Littlebotweak t1_jai8kur wrote
strik3r2k8 t1_jai8tmo wrote
It’s about 2.5 bananas
Darkwing_Turducken t1_jai9e62 wrote
It's not Brundle-fly, but I did have a mental picture of a locust the size of a cocker spaniel! 🤣🤣
[deleted] t1_jaia0pu wrote
[deleted] t1_jaia2yr wrote
DoodleDew t1_jaia3jt wrote
That’s exactly what I was thinking. Most people would just think it’s a odd bug and move a long thinking nothing of it
will_write_for_tacos t1_jaia8jk wrote
I found a salamander in Walmart while shopping once. I picked it up and carried it around with me for a bit until I could get out of the store, walk over to the retention pond, and let him go near the water. The poor thing was drying out, I have no idea how long he'd been in the store.
Weird shit happens in Walmart.
[deleted] t1_jaiaffv wrote
[deleted] t1_jaibmkq wrote
[deleted] t1_jaic3a7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaicc0o wrote
Palana t1_jaicecx wrote
This article is clickbait. Google image search returned a lot of photos of living specimens. And the first result on Google lists its range as north and south america.
[deleted] t1_jaicfg6 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaicgcu wrote
[deleted] t1_jaicn3g wrote
[deleted] t1_jaicrs4 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaicxxz wrote
[deleted] t1_jaid1y5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaid4n5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jaide5i wrote
[deleted] t1_jaidpnv wrote
[deleted] t1_jaifrsm wrote
caseyhconnor t1_jaig49x wrote
The headline is clickbait, yeah. The article is fine. It was extinct, or thought to be, in the eastern US.
[deleted] t1_jaikcwt wrote
[deleted] t1_jailb9t wrote
BPhiloSkinner t1_jain4zq wrote
50mm = 2 inches. "We're gonna need a smaller banana".
Parzivus t1_jaiorc9 wrote
65mm is pretty big for a bug, thing probably looks like a dragonfly
Might_Aware t1_jaispdw wrote
Jurassic Park the movie opened with them in Arkansas I believe. It's a huge dig site I thought
Thunderhamz t1_jaitwx3 wrote
Hmm, a lot of species coming out as larger in their past, why? And why not the possibility of humans as well?
64557175 t1_jaiu6rn wrote
Lacewings are a gardener's delight! Their larvae are known as aphid lions, they are fierce predators.
T-Bills t1_jaiurp2 wrote
When Cavendish goes extinct human civilization will fall into chaos as we have no way to determine length of objects.
[deleted] t1_jaivdl9 wrote
GrannysPartyMerkin t1_jaivppf wrote
ANCIENT JURASSIC ERA MONSTER BUG………that was around until the 1950’s. This headline is 💩.
[deleted] t1_jaiwsmp wrote
timo103 t1_jaiwuzc wrote
The Jurassic Park digsite was Montana.
HazrakTZ t1_jaixsdd wrote
1.2 George Washington penis freedom length units
[deleted] t1_jaiyidd wrote
MSGinSC t1_jaj08l6 wrote
Imagine the story it told its friends when it got back to them.
[deleted] t1_jaj15uw wrote
Might_Aware t1_jaj1714 wrote
Oh oops. My apologies
m0i0k0e0 t1_jaj2imb wrote
Shoddy journalism:
No banana for scale.
TheDodoBird t1_jaj3uuv wrote
Well, we can always fall back on "half the size of a giraffe"
TymeSefariInc t1_jaj4g9n wrote
Yeah, but that motherfucker had like 30 god damn dicks
DaysGoTooFast t1_jaj5dhf wrote
Ancient Bug is still alive. See, this confirms lochness and Mokolembembe are living dinosaurs
will_write_for_tacos t1_jaj5r7k wrote
Probably a similar tale as the frog who i discovered on my car while going 60mph down a country road. Made the husband pull over so i could rescue him and we turned him loose at a park. Just a fat happy gray tree frog who pissed all over my hand when I plucked him from the corner of my window.
lilbean_arino t1_jaj76eo wrote
Jesus is taking back the states that sued against financial relief for student borrowers. Buckle up, Arkansas 🤣😂🤣😂😂
JustAKeyboard t1_jaja3y7 wrote
Was it wearing an Edgar suit?
[deleted] t1_jajdoy2 wrote
[deleted] t1_jajdvq8 wrote
[deleted] t1_jajdysv wrote
MonsignorJabroni t1_jaje9hk wrote
It is well known and established that insects and other creatures were larger during dinosaur times because there was more oxygen in the atmosphere, amongst other things. Pretty much everything was bigger because it could absorb more oxygen and nutrients from the environment.
Human or proto human sizes have changed but we're taking like 100k years for humans, not 300 million years ago. As far as earth history is concerned, humans haven't been around long at all and haven't seen much change. Obviously we see change, but mother earth time is a different beast.
Cabin-in-the-Woods t1_jajep34 wrote
6 foot 8, weighted a fuckin ton.
mycatisanorange t1_jajhmcw wrote
Thank you for saving the salamander!
mycatisanorange t1_jajht69 wrote
I find interesting bugs usually right before I enter a place… but that usually takes me on detours… I can’t imagine shopping with wildlife in hand.
[deleted] t1_jajivzw wrote
sweetpeapickle t1_jajjanz wrote
Yea, it would make me walk 20 feet around it. Then my eyes would be tuned to the floor the entire time making sure there were no more. That is until I walk into someone.....
palcatraz t1_jajjp1l wrote
That's not exactly correct.
Only insect size correlates to oxygen content in the air due to the manner in which they breathe. However, oxygen content is not the only limiting factor in size. The Carboniferous and early Permian are when insects sizes maxed out. This is before the age of the Dinosaurs (who didn't start appearing until the late Triassic). Up to this point, insect sizes and oxygen content in the air is well correlated.
This changes during the Jurassic. Insect sizes dropped after the Permian when the oxygen content in the air dropped low. However, even when the oxygen content in the air started increasing again, insect sizes continued to diminish in size. Reason? Birds had started to evolve. With birds now dominating the air, and in many cases, preying on insects, being large no longer held the same advantages as it once did.
And again, this is just for insects. Other terrestial animals, such as dinosaurs or mammals were never limited in size by oxygen content. That's because we have a far more efficient way of breathing than insects do.
CaptainTrips_19 t1_jajkfbv wrote
They always do that lol, like their way of saying ello.
will_write_for_tacos t1_jajlt8l wrote
Yep, I've had my fair share of amphibian piss attacks over the years. Frogs, salamanders, toads, newts. I wouldn't pick them up if they'd stop getting into weird unsafe places.
MonsignorJabroni t1_jajm4ob wrote
Thanks for correcting me, I wasn't sure on the specifics, I knew it was related to oxygen in a way. I appreciate the explanation that's really interesting.
I guess I was just a little amused by the implication of Giant Humans or something from the initial comment lol. Like no, we weren't 10 feet tall humans years ago, I'm pretty sure that's confirmed.
palcatraz t1_jajmafi wrote
Various reasons.
Speaking specifically of insects -- the largest insects lived during the Carboniferous and early Permian. This is due to two reason. One is that oxygen content in the air was higher back then. Insects do not really have an advanced respiratory system. The second reason why insects grew to such large sizes during that time is because they lacked predators. They were the predators. Studying the history of insect sizes, we can see that the evolution of birds during the late Jurassic disrupts the relation between insect sizes and oxygen content. Even during times of rising oxygen, insect sizes remain smaller because when such a specialised group of insect hunters exists, being big isn't an advantage.
Now onto other creatures. Humans right now are bigger than we've ever been in our evolutionary history. We evolved from really tiny proto-primates, the size of squirrels. If we are looking just at our evolutionary history, we've grown tall. That said, there are limiting factors to being tall too in terms of physical health and resources needed. Humans are not very likely to grow much taller, because there is no real evolutionary pressure for us to do so. Often times in history when creatures have grown large, it was either to become a more efficient predator, or to become too big to be preyed on. But neither of those things really apply to us right now. We've shaped an environment in which our size doesn't really contribute much to our evolutionary success.
Now, as for other animals -- The age of dinosaurs really speaks to the imagination in terms of the size of creatures, but actually the largest creature to ever exist lives right now. In the ocean. The Blue Whale is the biggest thing that has ever existed on Earth. As for land animal sizes, Dinosaurs had some advantages that allowed them to grow that big -- hollow bones and airsacks means they were able to reduce their weight even when growing to enormous sizes. They still weighed massive amounts, but nothing like what any other animal would've weighted if you had sized them up to that size.
Right now, we do not have much surviving mega-fauna. And to be blunt, the reason for that is us. We are destroying the natural environment at a huge rate. While the change in climate at the end of the ice age had an effect on animal sizes (or more accurately, the extinction of several huge, cold-weather adapted animals), the way we are living now pretty much ensures that nothing as big as the animals that have once lived (except, again, the Blue Whale in the ocean, and we are threatening them too) is going to evolve again as long as we keep acting as we do. Being huge takes a lot of natural resources, and we aren't leaving any for anything but ourselves.
[deleted] t1_jajmii4 wrote
8BitSk8r t1_jajn0sq wrote
Was it really a Jurassic-era insect or just your average Walmart shopper?
OvenIcy8646 t1_jajrdx7 wrote
Damn Arkansas really is trying to turn the clocks back
NWarty t1_jaju9pm wrote
He'll kick you apart!
[deleted] t1_jajujqq wrote
pinkyfitts t1_jajuk88 wrote
A prehistoric insect on Arkansas? That’s just one of the Huckabees.
Cabin-in-the-Woods t1_jajupm5 wrote
He'll save children but not the British children.
[deleted] t1_jajw71h wrote
Serverpolice001 t1_jak0tmu wrote
This b must be confused at why no flowers and eggs r so small
[deleted] t1_jak11ek wrote
squarepeg0000 t1_jak13wj wrote
Witchgrass t1_jak1vgv wrote
Safety Salamander approves
konqueror321 t1_jak74sp wrote
And by giant they mean 2 inch wingspan. And by Jurassic era they mean it was widely found until about 1950 or so, but not seen since then.
But otherwise the headline is spot-on!
jetbag513 t1_jakd9mp wrote
Sarah Huckabee Sanders I presume?
CarcosaJuggalo t1_jakhweg wrote
No, this isn't a blood sucking insect.
Miguel-odon t1_jakmlos wrote
Like how often are birds way outside their normal range, but nobody notices because few people examine every duck in a flock, looking for one that doesn't match
[deleted] t1_jakmzt4 wrote
chipped_laps t1_jaknj3s wrote
Bro, grey tree frogs are bri'ish?
[deleted] t1_jaknrl3 wrote
[deleted] t1_jako3so wrote
dontneedaknow t1_jakpnsc wrote
Ant-lions? same?
I used to watch them as a kid... imagined them as mini sand worms, and they are kinda scary looking in reference books lol.
PerNewton t1_jakxxqj wrote
Nah, that’s just the governor.
Appropriate_Tip_8852 t1_jal1dx5 wrote
Grabbing a big what exactly?
[deleted] t1_jal2d3r wrote
zeromeasure t1_jal58m6 wrote
But what exactly makes them Ohio’s natural enemies? I’m picturing a bunch of angry people in a bar in Cleveland collectively grumbling about how much they hate this particular family of bugs.
[deleted] t1_jal6uym wrote
Reidroshdy t1_jal8gom wrote
Headline made me think that the bug had been though extinct since the dinosaurs died.
[deleted] t1_jal8ior wrote
new_pr0spect t1_jalbrkz wrote
A "Washington Inch" is 9 standard inches.
EvenHair4706 t1_jald2ic wrote
A lot of giant fauna at walmart
_Levitated_Shield_ t1_jaldjmc wrote
"Fuck you, meteorite! I lived, bitch!"
_Levitated_Shield_ t1_jaldr5w wrote
George Michael Careless Whisper saxophone starts playing
_Levitated_Shield_ t1_jaldxo5 wrote
Half a century ago was apparently the Jurassic. TIL.
Who the hell wrote that headline?
Narrator2012 t1_jalkt5a wrote
You shoplifted a salamander from Walmart
adamw7432 t1_jall6f6 wrote
Exactly my thoughts. I've seen tons of bugs that I swore I never saw before that looked really strange. And then I walked away assuming that it was just a bug that people already know about and I just never noticed until that moment. Makes you wonder how often stuff like this happens. Like those people in Australia that filmed the super rare whale that just swam up on them.
Rope_blaster69 t1_jalneuv wrote
This title is so ridiculous 😂
[deleted] t1_jalqgri wrote
[deleted] t1_jalqia3 wrote
Kaabiiisabeast t1_jamirue wrote
If your hands are wet when you pick them up, they won't pee.
PuckFutin69 t1_jamlwgb wrote
I used to do that at the sauerkraut factory, except for frogs and toads by the dozen.
MuppetShart t1_janqprd wrote
Wait, so you just let the frog go right there? I hate to break it to you but he didn't tell his froggy friends any tale at all, you dropped him off probably a hundred miles away from home in frog distance. His poor froggy wife, all his little tadpoles, never saw him again.
On the other hand, maybe he knew what he was doing all along and just hitched a ride back on someone else's car. His wife was all, "you never made it to uncle Fred's?" and he was like, "well, I tried, we were well on our way but then the car pulled over and some lady got out and picked me up talking about 'you're safe now, little froggy' and then set me down and drove off without me!" and then the wife, "how inconvenient. Did you pee on her hand?" him, "I peed on her hand."
will_write_for_tacos t1_jantlyf wrote
I thought about that, about how he'd feel so far from home, but the park I put him in is a state park that is absolutely overrun with tree frogs, so I'm sure he adjusted to his new neighborhood and made new froggy friends.
MuppetShart t1_janye1b wrote
I get exactly where you're coming from, I save creatures all the time. I'll even sweep ants up in a dustpan and bring them outside my house. That's trickier than it sounds, you have to shake them off the dustpan into a larger container and transfer them that way, otherwise you won't make it to the door. They don't realize I'm sparing them from the most common fate of being sprayed with poison, so naturally they go ape-shit running up and down and off the dustpan.
VexrisFXIV t1_jaqgspq wrote
No he's out for milk and cigs?
[deleted] t1_jai6z1i wrote